GunSmoke 05

Old Time Radio Programs. Gunsmoke Starring William Conrad as Matt Dillon. Western Theme.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Gunsmoke is radio at its best

Carolyn Blake
I have just finished listening to all of the Gunsmoke playlists, probably over 300 episodes. I work at home and I listen while working. I enjoyed every single one and Robert Conrad, Parley Baer, and Howard McNear were masterful in every episode. But I came away with a special love for Chester as brilliantly and dearly created by Baer...forever loyal, innocent, and good to the bone, I would give anything for a friend like Chester. Georgia Ellis's Kitty with her sultry voice and oh so practical heart of gold, and her forever unrequited love for the bigger than life Matt Dillon...all superb. What a legacy these unparalleled actors left behind, and an American cultural artifact that will stand the test of ages. And I came to love the voices of the invisible unknowns who brought life to all the people of Dodge, and the wicked, wicked villains. I am sad I finished.
The end of the trail...sadly

Just finished Gunsmoke,sadly. I absolutely enjoyed this series,the acting and sound effects have been top notch from beginning to end. Have to say considering the number of episodes, I half expected the stories to repeat themselves. But it's the skill of the script writers that each and every episode felt fresh and orignal. I would definitely recommend Gunsmoke it's been a fantastic trip to the Old West,and I've made friends I would happily visit time and again. In the meantime I'll give Fort Laramie a spin! Thanks once more to OTR and Librivox for making Gunsmoke available,and household chores bearable;) Cheers!
Gunsmoke series

I just finished listening to the last episode of the entire run of the Gunsmoke radio series. (Took me almost two years of listening on my mp3 player while riding the bus to and from work). It is a bittersweet moment... I tremendously enjoyed the program, but I am saddened by the fact that I will never hear a new Gunsmoke epidose. Gunsmoke was the best! Now I'm working on Yours Truly Johnny Dollar.
excellent as always

Dr. E. McGinty
The acting and directing is great as it always is. The recordings are mostly very good, but the quality is not always up to par. But for recordings that are 65+ years, itâs understandable.
Outstanding program

I loved the series! I've worked my way through the Six Shooter, Fort Laramie, and now Gunsmoke. What a great ride!