Tales Of Lonely Trails
Zane Grey
Read by David Wales

Western novelist Zane Grey (1872-1939) also wrote nonfiction books about the American West and its country. This 1922 tribute to country he loved consists of narratives of six different trips to various parts of the West: Nonnesozhe, Colorado, Grand Canyon, Tonto Basin, Death Valley. - Summary by david wales (13 hr 19 min)
A Must Listen To!

A LibriVox Listener
The narrator was great You grew to believe it was Zane Grey narrating . The stories were fascinating, and while I would like to know what happened to the l I oms that they lassosed in the Grand Canyon, I found it difficult to accept the fact that the nber of lions they captured and killed must have had a negative impact on the environment of the area they were in. But that was not so much a consideration at that period of. time

Avid Listener
Masterful, compelling imagery by Gray brings the reader into the adventure. DW narrates it perfectly. Some may not enjooy it, but I did.

A LibriVox Listener
This was really fascinated if you've read Zane Grey. You find out the origins IV some parts of his stories.
Detailed description of trails

Joy Breward
Insight into wild america. Shame about obsession of killing wildlife