The Arwen, Season 6: The Final Days of Peace
Timothy P. Callahan
Read by Timothy P. Callahan

Part three of a four part adventure that will stretch across the vastness of space and time. An exciting follow-up to The Water Planet, and Dyson Sphere, The Final Days of Peace continues the war between the Earth Alliance and the Handlers, a race of aliens that outnumber humans a billion to one.
The Earth prepares itself for the inevitable arrival of the Handler's. When they do attack, it's more devastating than anything they could ever imagine.
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Arwen:TFDofP 01 | Read by Timothy P. Callahan | |
Arwen:TFDofP 02 | Read by Timothy P. Callahan | |
Arwen:TFDofP 03 | Read by Timothy P. Callahan | |
Arwen:TFDofP 04 | Read by Timothy P. Callahan | |
Arwen:TFDofP 05 | Read by Timothy P. Callahan | |
Arwen:TFDofP 06 | Read by Timothy P. Callahan | |
Arwen:TFDofP 07 | Read by Timothy P. Callahan | |
Arwen:TFDofP 08 | Read by Timothy P. Callahan | |
Arwen:TFDofP 09 | Read by Timothy P. Callahan | |
Arwen:TFDofP 10 | Read by Timothy P. Callahan | |
Arwen:TFDofP 11 | Read by Timothy P. Callahan | |
Arwen:TFDofP 12 | Read by Timothy P. Callahan |
Better & better

His books are getting better as the go along & the author is hitting his stride. His east coast accent & trouble clearly annunciating tend to get annoying but you get use to it. The story line is addictive & is good sci-fi lite. The fact that he tried to add more science & future tech into the latter books is great. It seems like he figured out where he wanted to go with the story line & it's turning out well. #7 here we come!
great story great writing & well read

herman l . Middle Tn
all as above but still saddend to here is the series conning to a close, thanks so much for the hard work put in to something others enjoy as much or more than you. please keep writing story's like this and I will keep complaining about them ending.

By: Patrick Lewis
Callahan continues to explore the universe of the Arwen and the new genocidal foe for the last few installments, "The Handlers." A mix of introspection and full out space battle, this season is a great conclusion to the second act, paving the way forward to the surely well-named "Battlesphere." This ...

By: Pirvonen
"The nanobots were cooling her body from the inside" -- Umm, no. Not unless the nanites have nanoscopic wormholes where they are dumping the heat. Of course you can claim that the nanites are converting the energy to matter, but any such conversion process generates more heat than it captures. ...

By: Timothy P. Callahan
I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on the nanobots cooling from the inside. The way I picture it the nanobots can cool themselves down (with nanobot magic!) so if a few thousands of them are slightly cooler than the blood they're traveling in they will cool the ...
More fine sci fi fun

I’ve been really enjoying these stories. Some may nit pick accents or how the science works but I have willing suspension of disbelief and none of that matters :) it’s good clean sci-fi fun. Engaging and well paced to keep me entertained

By: Mark
Cant wait for the next instalment Tim this is a great series Thank you. The change to the ship is a great touch reminiscent of Blakes 7 I always enjoyed the ship being more than just a ship and the series is the Arwen after all.

By: Timothy P. Callahan
All right all, The Arwen Season 7-Battlesphere will be released Monday, May 23rd! Hope you all enjoyed the first three parts enough to see how it all ends!