Flower of Youth: Poems in War Time

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

This is a volume of poetry by Irish poet and writer Kathrine Tynan about World War I. Published in 1917, the poems translate the general atmosphere of fear and grief prevalent across Europe into beautiful verses. - Summary by Carolin (1 hr 12 min)


Joining the Colours 1:49 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Lowlands of Flanders 1:54 Read by Dru Conway
The Call 2:25 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Golden Boy 1:59 Read by Ian King
The Great Chance 1:43 Read by Ian King
The Watchers 2:30 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Bride 1:51 Read by Dru Conway
The Riders 2:31 Read by Bruce Kachuk
'What Turned the Germans Back?' 1:50 Read by Bruce Kachuk
A Girl's Song 1:55 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Young Mother 1:31 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Temple 2:17 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Summons 1:53 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Little Flock 1:09 Read by Larry Wilson
A Lament 1:55 Read by Larry Wilson
A Hero 1:39 Read by Ian King
'Mid the Piteous Heaps of Dead 1:58 Read by Dru Conway
To One in Grief 1:32 Read by Larry Wilson
Indian Summer 1:41 Read by Bruce Kachuk
To Two Bereaved 2:22 Read by Dru Conway
Autumnal 1:18 Read by Ian King
Meditation 1:21 Read by Kathleen Moore
The Heroes 1:40 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Great Mercy 1:50 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Meetings 1:19 Read by Kathleen Moore
Flower of Youth 2:13 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Unhousel'd, Unanointed, Unanel'd 1:30 Read by Bruce Kachuk
All Souls 1:02 Read by Kathleen Moore
The Predestined 1:39 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Old Soldier 1:26 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Fields of France 1:37 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Open Road 1:32 Read by Larry Wilson
For the Airmen 2:03 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Christmas in the Year of the War 1:14 Read by Larry Wilson
A Song for the New Year 1:46 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Dead - A Prisoner 1:40 Read by Bruce Kachuk
To R.A.A. 1:35 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Salutation 2:03 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Sad Spring 1:58 Read by Bruce Kachuk
A Prayer 1:43 Read by Dru Conway
Resurrection 1:41 Read by Larry Wilson