Arms and The Man (Version 2)
George Bernard Shaw
Read by Phil Chenevert

Arms and the Man is a comedy written by George Bernard Shaw, and was first produced in 1894 and published in 1898, and has become one of the most popular of his plays. Like his other works, Arms and the Man questions conventional values and uses war and love as his satirical targets. He delightfully pops the bubble of the 'brave soldier' always wishing to charge into battle and shows (I think) how people stay the same whether in uniform or not and are not magically changed into different people. A cautious soldier can be just as admirable as a reckless one. - Summary by Phil Chenevert (2 hr 51 min)
Act I | 47:31 | Read by Phil Chenevert |
Act II | 54:21 | Read by Phil Chenevert |
Act III | 1:09:52 | Read by Phil Chenevert |
Shaw at its best

The continuous laughter which greets Shaw's plays arises from a real contrast in the point of view of the dramatist and his audiences. When Pinero or Jones describes a whimsical situation we never doubt for a moment that the author's point of view is our own and that the abnormal predicament of his characters appeals to him in the same light as to his audience. With Shaw this sense of community of feeling is wholly lacking. He describes things as he sees them, and the house is in a roar. Who is right? If we were really using our own senses and not gazing through the glasses of convention and romance and make-believe, should we see things as Shaw does? (From introduction)

Jon E. Katt
This is a bad recording. I love Phil Chenevert's reading voice, but I suspect his advanced age has brought on the beginning of Alzheimers. He reads the first part, then he reads most of the 2nd part before abruptly starting part two over again. Then he reads the third part twice. It was a waste of my time.
wonderfully ridiculous

Monica Evans
just love it .... hilarious ridiculous pretentious ...a great study of human nature & 1st world problems .... Money !!!