Selected Uncle Abner Mysteries
Melville Davisson Post
Read by Winston Tharp

Fourteen mysteries from the pages of the Saturday Evening Post, the Metropolitan, Red Book, and Pictorial Review magazines featuring Uncle Abner, who solves crimes in the pre-Civil War West Virginia hill country. His weapons are keen observation, logic, and a fundamentalist’s belief in the victory of good over evil. Post’s historical mysteries have been favorably compared to those of his fellow American Edgar Alan Poe. - Summary by Winston Tharp (6 hr 27 min)
The Doomdorf Mystery | 28:03 | Read by Winston Tharp |
The Wrong Hand | 27:58 | Read by Winston Tharp |
The Angel of the Lord | 32:56 | Read by Winston Tharp |
An Act of God | 26:31 | Read by Winston Tharp |
The House of the Dead Man | 23:31 | Read by Winston Tharp |
A Twilight Adventure | 23:49 | Read by Winston Tharp |
The Age of Miracles | 24:58 | Read by Winston Tharp |
The Tenth Commandment | 27:11 | Read by Winston Tharp |
The Hidden Law | 25:53 | Read by Winston Tharp |
The Riddle | 29:58 | Read by Winston Tharp |
The Concealed Path | 27:58 | Read by Winston Tharp |
The Edge of the Shadow | 27:05 | Read by Winston Tharp |
The Adopted Daughter | 30:37 | Read by Winston Tharp |
Naboth's Vineyard | 30:43 | Read by Winston Tharp |

A unique group of stories presented in a most unusual format. It is seldom that we hear Christian values and the universal law presented in tandem. From them ourr modern lawmakers and politicians could learn much about what made our country great.
Hurrah! A good Virginia Writer of Mystery

The Outlier
Excellent reader, great style with neat story lines. Nice descriptions of 19th century eastern West Virginia scenery and personalities also draw a reader right into the action and towering personality of Uncle Abner. Post does a neat job, so enjoy.

Capt. Larry
Unfortunately, the stories will not load for me. I tried to play them while online. None will work. I also tried to download them to listen offline. None will work. In each case, I get a “Loading…” message that does not go away.
Very enjoyable!

I was surprised at how I much enjoyed these refreshingly different stories. Winston Tharp is simply an excellent reader.
Thoughtful and complex plots. excellent reader added .

nora kawachi