Europe and Elsewhere
Mark Twain
Read by John Greenman

This collection of articles came from Mark Twain's travels and experiences abroad. While many had been previously published, there also were many that had never before seen the light of day...which one reviewer said had never been Twain's intent for them, having consigned them to obscurity. With introductory essays by Brander Matthews and Albert Bigelow Paine, the book paints a clear picture of the complexity and wide variety of Samuel L. Clemens' thinking, where it originated and how it developed. (15 hr 51 min)
Yay! A new Twain read by John Greenman!

John Greenman is the absolute best reader of Mark Twain alive, and it is wonderful that he continues his project to record everything Twain put to paper. Thank you John. This book is an amazing insight into various aspects of Twain's writings, which would have been lost. From the fascinating introduction, which gives a helpful overview and timeline of Twain's more well known works; to the most wonderful descriptions of his life. That he was asked to 'collect' the Shah of Persia is in itself no mean feat, but his descriptions of the journey are invaluable snapshots of a age of luxury long gone. Highly recommended
Nuggets of Greatness

Most of this collection was unfamiliar, but all was good, and some of it great. It's like eating your favorite coffee cake and finding it studded with the best nuts and fruit, so that every mouthful surprises and satisfies.
Great book great reading

Henry O
This is another enjoyable read by Goodman. Mark Twain? Why, he is just being the best at making you laugh while piling on some sensible writing that should ordinarily be a boring essay coming from most.