MurderMostBritish OTR Favorites Vol. 1

A collection of old-time radio shows and dramatizations I've collected together which are British mysteries, thrillers and suspense, most of which also have a murder or two. Some of my favorites are included in this collection. I hope to offer more compiled collections in the future.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Superb collection!

I have only started working my way through this treasure trove, but everything has been a pleasure so far. Thank you so much for such excellent (and probably very time-consuming) curation. I don’t think I would have ever found these all in one place in a thousand years. If you love British mysteries and solid radio drama, you can’t go wrong here!

Have just listened to the first one in this collection and am now looking forward to many happy hours of listening to the rest. Thanks for compiling them and adding them to LibriVox.
As per first review

You summed up everything about this series perfectly, couldn’t agree more. A true treasure trove of excellent British drama