Ancient Forest Alliance and Ken Wu, Sierra Club and Green Jobs with Tim Pearson

Ken Wu is one of the founders of the Ancient Forest Alliance which believes that, "for the sake of future generations, we need to make the transition into a second-growth, value-added forest industry soon, BEFORE we eliminate the remaining unprotected old-growth forests. By logging second-growth stands at a slower, more sustainable rate of cut, and manufacturing more wood products here in BC - rather than increasing the export of raw logs to foreign mills - we can protect old-growth forests and sustain and create forestry jobs at the same time."  Ken talks about forests, why we should care about protecting what's left of the ancient ones, how doing so can boost local economies, and the AFA's strategy for May's provincial election. Tim Pearson is a Director of Communications at the Sierra Club and his article, ' Green Jobs BC: Working together toward a just  transition ,' outlines a strategy to support workers, perhaps including a shift of the 3.3 billion dollar tax revenue that's currently given to the profitable oil corporations, for a more sustainable future.  Tim's working to establish relationships with a variety of different organizations, citizen groups, unions, etc.  Tim believes that, "to achieve long-acting solutions, we need to build a broad and sustainable political consensus on the need for action.  All of society needs to work together for a future that supports sustainable jobs in a healthy environment, a future that leaves no-one behind. And, a "What in the World" update with Chris Cook from Gorilla Radio.

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
