
Read by Jim Locke

(3.5 stars; 13 reviews)

The setting for this novel is the Boer War in South Africa in 1880. This novel is interesting and exciting on several levels: there are complicated love entanglements, evil Machiavellian treachery, political reflection having to do with the ethics of the colonialism of the day, for one subject for thought, and war in all its lurid and shocking and murderous detail. (10 hr 4 min)


John Has an Adventure 12:00 Read by Jim Locke
How the Sisters Came to Mooifontein 24:25 Read by Jim Locke
Mr. Frank Muller 18:29 Read by Jim Locke
Bessie Is Asked in Marriage 16:57 Read by Jim Locke
Dreams Are Foolishness 14:49 Read by Jim Locke
The Storm Breaks 18:57 Read by Jim Locke
Love's Young Dream 15:30 Read by Jim Locke
Jess Goes to Pretoria 14:16 Read by Jim Locke
Jantje's Story 14:50 Read by Jim Locke
John Has an Escape 22:47 Read by Jim Locke
On the Brink 14:42 Read by Jim Locke
Over It 22:00 Read by Jim Locke
Frank Muller Shows His Hand 16:48 Read by Jim Locke
John to the Rescue 17:33 Read by Jim Locke
A Rough Journey 17:02 Read by Jim Locke
Pretoria 17:26 Read by Jim Locke
The Twelfth of February 20:06 Read by Jim Locke
And After 16:44 Read by Jim Locke
Hans Coetzee Comes to Pretoria 16:29 Read by Jim Locke
The Great Man 16:07 Read by Jim Locke
Jess Gets a Pass 14:12 Read by Jim Locke
On the Road 15:03 Read by Jim Locke
In the Drift of the Vaal 23:59 Read by Jim Locke
The Shadow of Death 18:47 Read by Jim Locke
Meanwhile 17:32 Read by Jim Locke
Frank Muller's Familiar 15:49 Read by Jim Locke
Silas Is Convinced 18:08 Read by Jim Locke
Bessie Is Put the Question 18:32 Read by Jim Locke
Condemned to Death 15:46 Read by Jim Locke
We Must Part, John 16:31 Read by Jim Locke
Jess Finds a Friend 16:24 Read by Jim Locke
He Shall Die 18:48 Read by Jim Locke
Vengeance 16:47 Read by Jim Locke
Tanta Coetzee 16:51 Read by Jim Locke
The Conclusion of the Matter 12:59 Read by Jim Locke


Another of Haggard's Greats

(4 stars)

Good book, though seemed rather short by the end. The reader was VERY difficult to listen to, however. (My sister couldn't do it, so I got her the book). I alternated between reading and listening, because it is nice to be able to listen while I work. I had to really pay attention to get much, though, and I'm suprised the reader didn't ruin any of the characters for me.