On Grace And Free Will
Saint Augustine of Hippo
Read by David Ronald

There are some persons who suppose that the freedom of the will is denied whenever God's grace is maintained, and who on their side defend their liberty of will so peremptorily as to deny the grace of God. This grace, as they assert, is bestowed according to our own merits. It is in consequence of their opinions that I wrote the book entitled On Grace and Free Will. This work I addressed to the monks of Adrumetum, in whose monastry first arose the controversy on that subject, and that in such a manner that some of them were obliged to consult me thereon. The work begins with these words: "With reference to those persons who so preach the liberty of the human will." (Summary by Augustine in his Retractions, Book II, Chapter 66) (2 hr 2 min)

A LibriVox Listener
Everyone should read this book (Christian and unchristian alike). Augustine cuts right to the heart of the mater. I did find the reader a little hard to follow, but overall I greatly enjoyed listening to this true classic

I’ve tried, multiple times. I can’t seem to get past the distracting cadence and misplaces emphasis this reader applies to the text.

Roman Strmiska
very very very good..thank you very much