The History of the Fabian Society

Read by Robert Morel

(4 stars; 3 reviews)

"The History of the Fabian Society" describes the growth of Socialist theory in England, and the influence of Socialism on the political thought of the last thirty years (between 1886 and 1916) - Summary by Robert Morel (7 hr 33 min)


Preface 2:03 Read by Robert Morel
The Sources of Fabian Socialism 25:29 Read by Robert Morel
The Foundations of the Society: 1883-84 14:55 Read by Robert Morel
The Early Days: 1884-6 44:56 Read by Robert Morel
The Formation of Fabian Policy: 1886-89 47:39 Read by Robert Morel
Fabian Essays and the Lancashire Campaign: 1890-3 26:02 Read by Robert Morel
To Your Tents O Israel: 1894-1900 31:35 Read by Robert Morel
"Fabianism and the Empire": 1900-1901 34:57 Read by Robert Morel
Education: 1902-1905, and the Labour Party: 1900-1915 46:27 Read by Robert Morel
The Episode of Mr. Wells: 1906-1908 38:33 Read by Robert Morel
The Policy of Expansion: 1907-1912 55:02 Read by Robert Morel
The Minority Report, Syndicalism and Research: 1909-1915 43:29 Read by Robert Morel
The Lessons of Thirty Years 42:20 Read by Robert Morel


an important work

(4 stars)

The reader does an excellent job of conveying the material with the authors voice. and conviction, and explains the Fabian views concisely on how to give society a flattop — no super rich, no super poor. Alas, the book ignores the power of individualism to create all the wealth the Fabians plan to re-distribute,and the incompetences of bureaucracy to create wealth in the first place.