Sermon 03 12 2022

We continue our exploration of our theme for Lent “Hope-Full in a Weary World” by looking at Civility. In life we often have a difference of opinion with our neighbors, like during football season when, somehow, our loved ones are donning a cheesehead! In her role as a military chaplain Pastor Stephanie works with a whole Battalion of soldiers with differing faith and world views. As a Chaplain her duty is not to convert soldiers to her faith but rather support each individual in their own beliefs. While working to provide faith growth opportunities for Muslims, Mormons, and even Wiccans she has learned a great deal about the world around her and even deepened her own Lutheran understanding of the Christian faith. Pastor Stephanie reminds us that a key to civility is seeing others as we see ourselves, we are both beloved children of God. Interacting with our neighbors, even the Packers Fans, with Civility helps us all see the world as a little more Hope-Full!



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