Polaris and the Goddess Glorian

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(5 stars; 2 reviews)

In this, the final tale of the Polaris of the Snows saga, Polaris, Rose, Minos and Memene, along with scientist Zenas Wright and the redoubtable crew of the rescue ship, Minnetonka, are returning from the Antarctic to America when their ship is attacked and sunk by an Atlantean force that is bent on restoring their ancient ancestral dominance over the known world. Our captured heroes are now at the mercy of a tyrannical king and his people whose evil intent is opposed only by the Goddess Glorian and her devoted followers. (Summary by Brian Fullen) (8 hr 33 min)


Introduction 3:28 Read by Bryan Applegate
CHAPTER I, THE GOLDEN STRANGER (Part 1) 24:23 Read by Bryan Applegate
CHAPTER I, THE GOLDEN STRANGER (Part 2) 22:58 Read by Bryan Applegate
CHAPTER II, THE LONG BLACK ROAD TO ADLAZ (Part 1) 19:03 Read by russcallawag
CHAPTER II, THE LONG BLACK ROAD TO ADLAZ (Part 2) 23:53 Read by russcallawag
CHAPTER III, THE KING JUDGES (Part 1) 22:41 Read by russcallawag
CHAPTER III, THE KING JUDGES (Part 2) 22:35 Read by russcallawag
CHAPTER IV, DEAD MEN ARE BEHIND US (Part 1) 25:10 Read by Bryan Applegate
CHAPTER IV, DEAD MEN ARE BEHIND US (Part 2) 25:36 Read by Bryan Applegate
CHAPTER V, WHERE THE ILLIA MEETS THE SEA (Part 1) 29:59 Read by Brian Fullen
CHAPTER V, WHERE THE ILLIA MEETS THE SEA (Part 2) 29:22 Read by Brian Fullen
CHAPTER VI, ZOAR OF THE AMALOCS (Part 1) 23:16 Read by russcallawag
CHAPTER VI, ZOAR OF THE AMALOCS (Part 2) 16:51 Read by russcallawag
CHAPTER VII, POLARIS MAKES HIS CHOICE (Part 1) 28:39 Read by Brian Fullen
CHAPTER VII, POLARIS MAKES HIS CHOICE (Part 2) 26:07 Read by Brian Fullen
CHAPTER VIII, BEL-AR HEARS THE DRUMS (Part 1) 24:59 Read by Brian Fullen
CHAPTER VIII, BEL-AR HEARS THE DRUMS (Part 2) 23:22 Read by Brian Fullen
CHAPTER IX, THE COMING OF THE BEASTS (Part 1) 33:21 Read by Brian Fullen
CHAPTER IX, THE COMING OF THE BEASTS (Part 2) 30:01 Read by Brian Fullen
CHAPTER X, THE GODDESS GLORIAN'S DECREE (Part 1) 26:09 Read by Brian Fullen
CHAPTER X, THE GODDESS GLORIAN'S DECREE (Part 2) 31:20 Read by Brian Fullen