VBFC - 07 / 29 / 2012 - "Sanctification"

***** Part 1 ***** [00:00] Call to Worship [01:46] "Love Divine" [04:12] Prayer of Dedication of Tithes and Offerings [05:41] "Create in Me a Clean Heart" [07:31] "White As Snow" [08:41] "How Great Is Our God" [11:29] "You, You, You" from VBS 2012: "Sky" [13:38] Commentary followed by Moment for Missions: Amanda Brennan [24:10] Praise and Prayer [35:44] "Children of the Heavenly Father" ***** Part 2 ***** [00:00] Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:17-32 [02:23] Sermon: "Sanctification" [19:35] Closing and Announcements