Center Point Community Church Sermons October 2017 and before

Sermon Series from Center Point Community Church Naples dating from October 2017 back.


20-20 Vision 33:02
Abortion 32:21
Absolutism 40:30
"A camel through the eye of a needle" 39:01
A Case Study in Temptation 35:12
According to Script 28:57
Accountability 29:18
A ChristmasCard 27:55
Track 6 31:02
A Dangerous God 35:10
A Few Good Men and Women 26:57
Affliction 29:00
A Kingdom Torn in Two 25:13
A Long Obedience 28:00
"Always pray and not give up" 32:39
James: When I'm Confused 35:27
James: When I'm Hurting 41:03
Angels 24:51
An Invitation 30:59
Antidote for Pride 25:06
Anxiety 24:31
Anxiety 25:31
A Painful Truth 30:21
A Perplexing Riddle 22:55
A Promise 33:44
Are You Ready? 26:16
A Satan Primer 27:45
Ascension 27:36
A Sheltering Tree 33:20
A Spiritual Inventory 25:14
A Testimony 27:02
A Time of Waiting 27:21
At War 28:06
At Your Service 36:18
Authentic Faith 26:30
A Visit to Bethlehem 1:08:02
Avoiding Tunnel Vision 33:38
A Woman Who Changed Her World 25:28
A Word for the Weary 26:43
Back to Basics 25:51
Back to Basics 26:18
Back to Basics (Easter Sunday) 22:17
Baptism 24:33
Believing 38:26
Birth 22:32
Birth Announcement\: Birth Place 25:56
Birth Announcement\: First Word 44:30
Birth Announcement\: Peace Child 21:29
Building a Better World 23:12
Called to a Mission 23:37
Catalyst 29:24
Celebration 29:41
Celebration in Community 15:45
Track 7 24:44
Christmas Eve Service 1:01:28
Christmas Worship 27:16
Civil Authority 25:57
Clear Conscience 44:01
Closest Relationships 30:17
Clothed withJoy 23:35
Comfort 27:31
Commands and Covenant 27:35
Commitment 35:20
Communion 23:39
Confidence Well Placed 26:26
Conflict Resolution 33:37
Conquering 29:31
Conscience 25:49
Track 8 30:34
Creation 38:10
Creator 26:46
Track 9 27:10
CrossFit 29:53
Daniel in Exile 27:57
Daniel's Vision 32:39
David's Lord 24:39
David\'s Spiritual Paradox 42:32
Death 27:21
Death Answered 22:29
Deceived 28:22
Deception 24:29
Deception 32:50
Defection 28:20
Defined 23:01
Deliverance 28:36
Depression 26:58
Design 27:48
Designer 28:27
Devastation 28:28
Disagreements 28:20
Disciples 25:28
Discipline 35:33
Disclaimer 30:13
Disillusionment 26:20
Division 27:47
Does God Care about Everything in My Life 24:48
Doesn't the Bible have a lot of contradictions? 25:21
Doing greater things than the Son 32:22
Do I Really Need Church 28:13
"Do not judge" 31:15
Don\'t all religions basically teach the same thing? 26:36
Do the Right Thing 37:31
Doubtless 20:38
Dysfunctional Families 29:53
Easter Sunday 22:54
Elemental\: The Good Life 38:29
Eliab 25:03
Employee Review 25:51
Esther 1-2 37:33
Jesus 24:58
Jesus: Arrival 34:21
Jesus: Discipleship 35:28
Jesus\' Family Tree 24:06
Jesus\' Family Tree (Pt 2) 25:41
Jesus Greater Than Angels 30:05
Jesus' Ministry Begins 26:08
Jesus, the Son of God 36:06
Eternal 23:54
Eternity: A Cloud or a Kingdom 34:17
Exclusivity 38:41
Extravagant Love 28:17
Extreme Makeover 29:33
Failure and Forgiveness 31:52
Faith 28:05
Faithfulness 35:57
What Did Jesus Mean? 34:52
Faith Works 41:58
Family Matters 30:49
Family Unity 24:55
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made 36:44
Final Evaluation 38:59
Finding God's Will 28:10
Fix Your Eyes on Jesus 45:34
Following God in a Morally Confused World 28:40
Forgiveness in Egypt 28:03
For Men Only 42:26
For Those Who Will Believe 38:58
Four Soils 26:22
Freedom 26:14
Friendship 26:24
From Death to Life 26:08
From Death to Life 30:22
From Death to Life (Easter Sunday) 22:00
From Shepherd to King 27:55
Future 29:20
Generation to Generation 27:16
Gentleness 32:56
Glory 25:40
God in our Failure 29:29
God in Pursuit 41:25
God in the Dark 31:34
God is Enough 26:39
God is Enough 25:27
God Is with Us 26:06
God of the Bible 27:58
God Pleasers 28:48
God's Community 30:44
God's Heart 26:52
God's Messengers 28:50
God's Purposeful Design 24:10
Good Friday 1:18:58
Goodness 37:01
Good Shepherds 28:07
Gospel 24:48
Grace 24:19
Grace 22:49
Grander Vision Living 35:05
Gray Matters 25:09
Greater Purpose 26:35
Greater than John 34:51
Growth 24:58
Growth 29:09
Grow Up 31:21
Hard Work 31:59
Has Christianity Been Proven Wrong by Science\? 32:07
Hasn\'t religion caused a lot of conflict and cruelty? 33:30
Haustafel\: Husbands 39:36
Haustafel\: Parents and Children 28:29
Haustafel\: Wives 30:19
Haustafel\: Workplace 30:24
"Hearing, they may not hear" 33:48
Heart 23:47
Heaven 27:48
Heaven: What Will It Really Be 44:30
Hell: Is the God of Christiani 34:35
Here Is Our King 26:50
His Return 29:00
Holy Spirit 26:48
Home 31:52
Home and Work 23:09
Homosexuality 33:03
Hope 26:03
Hope 41:27
Hope 28:33
Hope in the Darkness 27:24
How Can a Good God Allow Evil in the World\? 29:34
How Can I Be Sure I belong to God 22:01
How Could Jesaus Be the Only Way to God 41:40
How could miracles be true in a scientific world? 26:02
How Do I Relate to-and Make a Difference in-a Broken Culture? 29:16
Humanity 23:27
Humility 26:23
Hurricane Irma 22:14
Identity 28:33
Identity 27:34
Identity 26:28
Identity 26:19
Identity: Will I Still Be Me? 36:17
Idolatry 28:02
"I have said you are gods" 25:28
Image of God 30:21
Imprisoned 26:16
I never knew you 26:14
Influence 37:12
Intimacy 29:04
Injustice 1:04:02
Injustice 27:34
Investment Strategy 35:36
Invitation 25:49
Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing 25:01
Kindness 36:10
Kingdom 33:48
Kingdom Building 33:53
Knowing God 36:10
Leading 30:06
Let Nothing You Dismay 1:00:05
"Let the dead bury their dead" 32:27
Lies 31:58
Life 25:05
Life beyond the Grave 31:00
Living 27:42
Living in 3D 34:34
Living Worthy 25:55
Losers to Winners 33:15
Love 33:04
Loved to Love 28:44
Track 9 30:42
\Love 27:46
Loving Monday 33:36
Lukewarm 29:49
Making Truth Attractive 33:24
Market Worries 32:28
Mark of Excellence 28:40
Marriage 30:13
Marriage 24:47
Marriage 24:31
Marriage 23:55
Mary (Christmas Ensemble) 1:09:25
Mercy 27:25
Mission Impossible 23:35
Mission Possible 32:41
Mistreatment 29:40
Model 36:37
Monday 26:06
Monday Christianity 32:43
Money 26:26
Motive 39:08
Mourning 26:32
Mystery 25:36
Navigating the Great Recession\: Give\! 27:27
Navigating the Great Recession\: Save\! 28:02
New Beginning 25:39
New Beginning 28:46
New Beginnings 28:34
Track 7 30:07
Nice People and the Gospel 21:48
No Debt Outstanding 30:52
No Distraction 39:01
No Doubt 29:59
No Ordinary Man 30:08
Not Ashamed 31:21
Nothing but the Truth 30:29
Job Description 29:19
Obedience 25:08
Obedience 20:53
Jonah: God in Our Anger 36:43
On Defense 28:41
One and Only 43:20
Oneness 29:16
On Message 26:50
Joseph 30:04
Joseph, the human father to the Son of God 26:39
Our Conflicted Calling 24:10
Our Enemies 24:18
Out of the Depths 25:17
Joy 27:52
Joy 39:01
Participants 24:20
Patience 26:01
Patience 24:17
Paul's Final Days 25:50
Paul's Mission 24:09
Peace 33:58
Peer Pressure 28:31
Persecution 22:10
Personnel Problems 37:10
Perspective 24:41
Perspective 28:11
Perspective 28:06
Peter Pan Syndrome 26:32
Philemon 26:04
POINT\: Invite Others to Follow Christ 27:56
POINT\: Nurtures Authentic Relationships 28:23
Point\: Obeying God\'s Word 24:44
Pursuing Intimacy With Christ 32:46
POINT\: Touches the World with God\'s Love 54:10
Pornography 27:29
Power 37:01
Power 30:07
Power 24:02
Prayer 31:42
Prayer As Grief 1:07:55
Prayer As Praise 1:10:35
Prayer As Recognition 36:44
Prayer As Repentance 1:05:33
Prayer As Thanksgiving 39:31
Prayer of Daniel 26:39
Prepared 28:11
Priorities 28:47
Promise 26:39
Promoted 25:31
Protector 23:54
Pursuing Unity 27:32
Pursuing Unity through Crist as our Savior 26:14
Pursuing Unity through Humble Service 25:52
Pursuing Unity through Partnership 27:11
Pursuing Unity through Peace 29:19
Pursuing Unity through Persistence 29:53
Pursuing Unity through Spiritual Growth 24:38
Quality Friendship 30:10
Quietly at Work 26:33
Track 8 27:15
Rebuilding the Walls 27:59
Reconciled 29:18
Reconciliation 24:00
Track 9 19:56
Rejected 37:26
Reinventing Motherhood 27:47
Relationships 28:52
Religious People and the Gospel 24:28
Repentance 27:02
Rescuer 31:21
Restoration 24:25
Return 28:01
Return Policy 37:24
Reunion 24:58
Revealed 24:00
Revelation of Jesus 31:47
Revelation of Satan 29:28
Revelation of the Antichrist 29:19
Revelation of the King 30:55
Revelation of the Kingdom 36:35
Revelation of Worship 30:23
Revolution: Expands 33:33
Revolution: Heart 27:27
Martyr 28:32
Revolution: Mindset 32:44
Revolution: Predicted 33:55
Spirit 32:12
Revolution: Through Us 34:21
Unexpected 34:13
Revolution: Unifies 34:46
Risk Takers 40:28
Risky Business 38:34
Road Closed: Detour 36:28
Road Less Traveled 46:50
Ruth's Song 5:04
Sacrifice 31:02
Self-control 34:00
Servant Songs\: Redeemer 38:20
Serving is Part of Being Like Jesus 50:48
Shame 23:49
Should We Take the Bible Literally\? 25:57
"Sin ... against the Spirit will not be forgiven" 35:14
Singleness 26:01
Soul Spa 29:50
Spiritual Farming 24:52
Spiritual Gifts 30:04
Standing Tall, Falling Hard 28:28
Steering through the Fog 26:51
Stranger-Care 28:21
Struggle 36:35
Submission 28:24
Substitution 29:32
Success with Family 26:40
Success with Finances 29:08
Success with Marriage 28:47
Success with Work 26:09
Suffering 55:01
Suffering 33:58
Swimming in Fog 40:51
Teaching 28:22
Team Effort 37:45
Temptation 26:44
Temptation 30:08
Ten Ways to Ruin Your Finances 1:06:50
The Abomination of Desolation 34:02
The Absence of the Gospel 25:30
Track 7 30:09
The Announcement 27:17
The Armor of God 54:43
The Battle 26:57
The Battle 26:06
The Battle Begins 33:46
The Beginning of the End 25:51
The Bible 22:26
The Birth of the King 24:44
The Body 31:04
The Brother 35:22
The Case for Serving 33:57
The Church 25:42
The Cost of Obedience 24:19
The Danger of Success 26:48
The Den of Lions 26:57
The End of Time 24:52
The Essential Priest 28:38
The Jesus I Never Knew: Background 32:10
The Jesus I Never Knew: Identity 29:28
The Jesus I never Knew: Message 31:46
The Jesus I Never Knew: Miracle 35:27
The Jesus I Never Know: Life 25:27
The Every Day 30:21
The Excuse 29:31
The Faithfulness of God 26:29
The Faith of a Foreign Woman 28:01
Track 7 28:12
Track 8 30:30
The Foundation of a Marriage 38:04
The Future 24:44
The Future 29:21
The God of Community 38:32
Track 8 31:42
The Heart of the Gospel 27:22
The Hour of Darkness 28:04
The Kingdom Restored 27:31
The Kingdom's Fall 22:54
The King Sins and the People Suffer 38:22
The King versus the Kings 26:22
The King Who Had It All 29:24
The Last Word 32:07
The Last Word 26:50
The Limitations of Wor 28:08
The Magi 36:33
The Mission 25:32
The Neighbor 26:53
Track 6 30:10
The Parable of the Trees 24:00
The People of Community 34:02
The Persistent Widow 25:09
The Playwright 26:45
The Power of Story 31:19
The Presentation 37:44
The Promise 24:52
The Prophet, the Witch, and th 37:28
The Proposal 27:08
The Queen of Beauty and Courage 28:41
The Rebellion 26:50
The Resurrection 27:24
The Return Home 28:26
The Reversal 28:30
The Rich Fool 23:51
The Savior 25:38
The Shrewd Manager 15:15
The Single Greatest Gift 39:06
The Spirit 30:07
The Story of Your Life 30:19
The Tenants 24:01
The Ten Minas 24:34
The Transforming Gospel 38:15
The Trials of a King 29:25
The Trinity 24:08
The Unfruitful Fig Tree 22:45
The Victorious One 26:24
The Vine 24:56
The Visit 44:16
The Visit 26:02
The Writing on the Wall 27:35
What Did Jesus Mean? 30:38
This Is My Body 45:50
Threads\: Quality Friendship 23:10
Threads\: Quality Friendship 35:17
Threads\: Quality Friendship 29:25
Three Responses to the Coming of Jesus 25:18
Title Holder 26:42
To Be and Not to Be 45:27
"Toss it to their dogs" 34:06
Training 28:21
Tramsformers 24:52
Track 8 27:54
Transformers 15:52
Transparent Excuses 29:23
True Relationship 28:37
Truth 29:02
Truth at Work 32:49
Truth in Community 34:53
Truth or Consequences 32:58
Two Debtors 27:56
Two Roads Diverged 25:29
unHappily Ever After 22:20
Unity 30:00
"Unless you hate your father and mother" 28:03
Unscathed 34:07
Up is Down 27:07
Justice and Judgment 26:50
Just Say It 21:12
Wake Up Call 37:14
Wandering 30:45
Warning 27:50
Track 3 25:39
What Happens When we Die 30:49
What in the World 1:03:35
What Time Is It? 30:45
'What you bind on earth" 27:21
Track 8 33:36
When I'm in Conflict 31:59
When I'm Inconsistent 34:30
When I'm Prejudiced 35:48
When I'm Selfish 33:26
When I Pray 28:51
When I Speak 35:21
When It\'s Hard to Worship 24:54
When I've Got It Together 28:23
Where Your Treasure Is... 35:56
Whne Lief Mkaes oN Esnes 32:55
Why Can't Anything Be Easy? 39:27
Why Children (and Adults) Abandon God 26:12
Why Do I Continue to Struggle with Sin? 24:59
Why Do Miracles like the Virgin Birth Matter? 27:42
Why We Should Worship 30:02
Track 8 28:10
Wisdom 31:55
Wisdom for the Proud 29:04
Wisdom for the Wounded 27:30
Wisdom with Words 30:52
Wise About Love 37:39
With God 26:41
With One Another 28:04
Women and Worship 28:33
Won\'t all good people go to Heaven? 34:04
Work 32:35
Youth Issues 36:50