The Harbor of Doubt

Read by Roger Melin

(4.6 stars; 139 reviews)

Young Code Schofield had lost his schooner May Schofield in an Atlantic gale a few months ago, and now the townspeople on the small island of Grande Mignon off the coast of New Brunswick were beginning to talk suspiciously of the events surrounding that loss. Insurance investigators have been summoned to investigate, friends are alienating themselves from Code, and he finds himsef challenged by even those he's known and trusted his whole life. Does Code Schofield have anything to prove, and if so, to whom, and why? (Summary by Roger Melin) (8 hr 10 min)


Maliciously Accused 14:31 Read by Roger Melin
The Red Peril 16:17 Read by Roger Melin
The Test 13:30 Read by Roger Melin
Refugees 11:28 Read by Roger Melin
Startling News 19:02 Read by Roger Melin
The Island Decides 19:49 Read by Roger Melin
A Stranger 17:17 Read by Roger Melin
Jimmie Thomas's Strategy 9:07 Read by Roger Melin
On the Course 13:02 Read by Roger Melin
A Mystery 12:06 Read by Roger Melin
In the Fog Bank 24:00 Read by Roger Melin
Out of Freekirk Head 10:35 Read by Roger Melin
Nat Burns Shows His Hand 11:35 Read by Roger Melin
A Discovery 6:00 Read by Roger Melin
The Catch of the Rosan 7:15 Read by Roger Melin
A Staggering Blow 15:48 Read by Roger Melin
Trawlers 14:40 Read by Roger Melin
Treachery 13:36 Read by Roger Melin
Ellinwood Takes a Hand 16:22 Read by Roger Melin
Among the Home Folks 13:35 Read by Roger Melin
A Prisoner 17:44 Read by Roger Melin
A Recovered Treasure 16:10 Read by Roger Melin
Surprises 19:56 Read by Roger Melin
The Siren 15:59 Read by Roger Melin
The Guilt Fixed 31:26 Read by Roger Melin
Wetting Their Salt 12:47 Read by Roger Melin
The Reward of Evil 21:10 Read by Roger Melin
The Race 25:22 Read by Roger Melin
A Fatal Letter 26:50 Read by Roger Melin
Elsa's Triumph 15:51 Read by Roger Melin
Peace and Prosperity 8:08 Read by Roger Melin


great story and reader!

(5 stars)

I especially enjoyed all the descriptions of fishing and sailing methods at the place and time about which I knew little. The story itself had quite a bit of suspense. Thank you to the reader, Roger Melin, who really adds to the enjoyment of many novels on Librivox.

one of my favorite readers

(4 stars)

a good sea faring mystery story. I would have preferred the happy ending for the woman who really showed it. But in real life, we don't even choose the better one.


(5 stars)

Amazing!!! loved it from start to finish!!! has consistent plot that keeps one engaged. Of course Roger Melin is one of our favorite readers. Thanks You! hope someone will find more from this author.


(5 stars)

The novel has interesting characters, an interesting plot, and pace of developing. The dialogue can be redunant. Merlin does narrative well and is weaker on dialogue.

Great listen

(4 stars)

Reader Excellent!! Good movement in the story. The Author doesn’t bore you with his personal agenda. A little predictable but a good story of adventure.


(4.5 stars)

A fine romantic adventure. I could wish that another book by this author was available. Of course, anything read by Roger Melin sounds good.

Romantic story with predictable outcome

(4 stars)

Well read, story line dripping with romance novel plots set against a town depending on fishing. Dr. D

terrific story

(5 stars)

Author’s knowledge of fishing boats and area is impressive. A suspenseful story, well read by Roger Melin.