The Soul of the Indian

Read by David Mix

(4.6 stars; 63 reviews)

"We also have a religion which was given to our forefathers, and has been handed down to us their children. It teaches us to be thankful, to be united, and to love one another! We never quarrel about religion." (1 hr 36 min)


00 - Forward 4:31 Read by David Mix
01 - Ch 01 - The Great Mystery 13:18 Read by David Mix
02 - Ch 02 - The Family Altar 14:26 Read by David Mix
03 - Ch 03 - Ceremonial and Symbolic Worship 19:01 Read by David Mix
04 - Ch 04 - Barbarism and the Moral Code 17:09 Read by David Mix
05 - Ch 05 - The Unwritten Scriptures 15:25 Read by David Mix
06 - Ch 06 - On the Border-Land of Spirits 12:50 Read by David Mix


The Soul of the Indian

(5 stars)

Well read. Excellent book about America's native people and their noble lives.


(5 stars)

After having read the tales of Black Elk, Geronimo, Mary Brave Bird, and others, Eastman's work provides a very different, illuminating point of view!

before the coming of the DEVIL more like it

(4 stars)