Short Poetry Collection 017

Librivox's Short Poetry Collection 017: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.
A Belated Violet | 1:56 |
Break, Break, Break | 1:31 |
Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock | 1:02 |
The Emperor of Ice Cream v1 | 1:22 |
The Emperor of Ice Cream v2 | 1:25 |
Fancy | 4:35 |
A Fragment (unnamed) | 2:34 |
France | 1:57 |
From The Shore | 0:46 |
The Gipsy Girl | 1:11 |
The Hangman at Home | 1:35 |
I, Who Laughed My Youth Away | 1:11 |
Mending Wall | 3:04 |
October | 1:43 |
The Snowman | 1:12 |
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird | 3:26 |
Time, Real and Imaginary: An Allegory | 0:59 |
To Anthea Who May Command Him Any Thing | 1:38 |
To F. W. | 1:10 |
To Hope | 3:23 |