The Vicar of Bullhampton

Read by Angel5

(4.3 stars; 69 reviews)

This little-known but engrossing Trollope novel, published in 1870, centers on a feisty small-town clergyman, his cantankerous neighbor, the miller, and the women in both their lives. A murder, a trial, a feud, a fallen woman, and a complicated romance are woven together in an exploration of the limits of our ability to truly do right when we involve ourselves in the lives of others, even with the best intentions. (Introduction by Angela Rowland) (17 hr 27 min)


00 - Preface 4:07 Read by Angel5
01 - Bullhampton 19:13 Read by Angel5
02 - Flo's Red Ball 12:30 Read by Angel5
03 - Sam Brattle 14:28 Read by Angel5
04 - There Is No One Else 16:53 Read by Angel5
05 - The Miller 10:38 Read by Angel5
06 - Brattle's Mill 10:23 Read by Angel5
07 - The Miller's Wife 12:17 Read by Angel5
08 - The Last Day 18:46 Read by Angel5
09 - Miss Marrable 13:40 Read by Angel5
10 - Crunch'em Can't Be Had 10:55 Read by Angel5
11 - Don't You Be Afeard About Me 8:14 Read by Angel5
12 - Bone'm and His Master 13:13 Read by Angel5
13 - Captain Marrable and His Father 16:04 Read by Angel5
14 - Cousinhood 15:57 Read by Angel5
15 - The Police at Fault 16:16 Read by Angel5
16 - Miss Lowther Asks for Advice 16:11 Read by Angel5
17 - The Marquis of Trowbridge 22:58 Read by Angel5
18 - Blank Paper 9:38 Read by Angel5
19 - Sam Brattle Returns Home 13:47 Read by Angel5
20 - I Have a Jupiter of My Own Now 18:33 Read by Angel5
21 - What Parson John Thinks About It 10:31 Read by Angel5
22 - What the Fenwicks Thought About It 10:53 Read by Angel5
23 - What Mr. Gilmore Thought About It 11:02 Read by Angel5
24 - The Rev. Henry Fitzackerley Chamberlaine 15:58 Read by Angel5
25 - Carry Brattle 16:32 Read by Angel5
26 - The Turnover Correspondence 16:26 Read by Angel5
27 - "I Never Shamed None of Them" 14:53 Read by Angel5
28 - Mrs. Brattle's Journey 10:23 Read by Angel5
29 - The Bull at Loring 21:22 Read by Angel5
30 - The Aunt and The Uncle 11:50 Read by Angel5
31 - Mary Lowther Feels Her Way 8:26 Read by Angel5
32 - Mr. Gilmore's Success 11:39 Read by Angel5
33 - Farewell 20:36 Read by Angel5
34 - Bullhampton News 11:01 Read by Angel5
35 - Mr. Puddleham's New Chapel 16:15 Read by Angel5
36 - Sam Brattle Goes Off Again 16:02 Read by Angel5
37 - Female Martyrdom 17:18 Read by Angel5
38 - A Lover's Madness 14:43 Read by Angel5
39 - Three Honest Men 10:36 Read by Angel5
40 - Trotter's Buildings 11:10 Read by Angel5
41 - Startup Farm 11:12 Read by Angel5
42 - Mr. Quickenham, Q. C. 24:23 Read by Angel5
43 - Easter at Turnover Castle 9:14 Read by Angel5
44 - The Marrables of Dunripple 20:05 Read by Angel5
45 - What Shall I Do With Myself? 14:02 Read by Angel5
46 - Mr. Jay of Warminster 16:59 Read by Angel5
47 - Sam Brattle Is Wanted 16:59 Read by Angel5
48 - Mary Lowther Returns to Bullhampton 17:49 Read by Angel5
49 - Mary Lowther's Doom 12:59 Read by Angel5
50 - Mary Lowther Inspects Her Future Home 9:56 Read by Angel5
51 - The Grinder and His Comrade 8:15 Read by Angel5
52 - Carry Brattle's Journey 14:44 Read by Angel5
53 - The Fatted Calf 23:39 Read by Angel5
54 - Mr. Gilmore's Rubies 14:26 Read by Angel5
55 - Glebe Land 16:00 Read by Angel5
56 - The Vicar's Vengeance 16:20 Read by Angel5
57 - Oil Is to Be Thrown Upon the Water 9:38 Read by Angel5
58 - Edith Brownlow's Dream 12:11 Read by Angel5
59 - News from Dunripple 11:17 Read by Angel5
60 - Lord St. George Is Very Cunning 11:34 Read by Angel5
61 - Mary Lowther's Treachery 11:15 Read by Angel5
62 - Up at the Privets 11:01 Read by Angel5
63 - The Miller Tells His Troubles 16:27 Read by Angel5
64 - If I Were Your Sister! 15:42 Read by Angel5
65 - Mary Lowther Leaves Bullhampton 15:15 Read by Angel5
66 - At the Mill 16:16 Read by Angel5
67 - Sir Gregory Marrable Has a Headache 15:40 Read by Angel5
68 - The Squire Is Very Obstinate 16:36 Read by Angel5
69 - The Trial 21:26 Read by Angel5
70 - The Fate of the Puddlehamites 11:19 Read by Angel5
71 - The End of Mary Lowther's Story 14:27 Read by Angel5
72 - At Turnover Castle 11:07 Read by Angel5
73 - Conclusion 7:00 Read by Angel5


Very well read and kept my interest.

(4.5 stars)

Mary was an admirable heroine who had to learn to stand up for herself instead of being so influenced by friends. The wealthy squire pursuing her with his own selfish interests got to be quite repulsive after awhile. Mary's friends had a way of persuading her to act against her best judgment, even giving her incorrect information in attempts to get their way. How will her life situation turn out? This kept me in suspense and frustration throughout much of the story. Other plots that included the miller's 2 wayward children and also some enemies of the vicar kept the story moving along with interest. Highly recommended. Trollope in his writing seems to be sensitive to the plight of women and critical of the lack of true Christianity within the churches. Thank you to the excellent reader.

Classic Trollope

(4 stars)

Overall a very enjoyable book and very well read. I have read or listened to most of Trollope's novels and, I must admit, I do find most of his heroines annoying, especially as many are persistently stubborn when they are pursued by highly eligible suitors. For example, Mary is stubborn and a real pain. She is pursued by a gentleman who is a wealthy squire, agrees to marry him, but jilts him because she loves her rather pathetic cousin. She is penniless and relies on being supported by her relatives. In reality, this is not really plausible. Anyway, despite this, I really did enjoy listening to the book. Thank you to the volunteer.

Great Author!

(5 stars)

Anthony Trollope is an author I had never heard of before I started listening to LibriVox books. I am never disappointed with any of his stories. The character development is On Target, the plot line is always interesting it holds your attention, and just his way with words is wonderful. This is a family-type story that you're sure to enjoy if you like this genre. the reader is excellent, I enjoy her different dialects and her style of reading is very relaxing to The Listener.

Enjoyable love story/character study

(4 stars)

This was quite a fun book - full of interesting characters that many of us have met in the modern world. The chapters are short and move quickly, so I had trouble "putting it down". Angela did an excellent job reading this solo project. I noticed some popping on my car CD player and I'm not sure if that was due to dirt on the CD, or if the dB of the files was a bit too high.

(5 stars)

I am glad that I took a chance on this Trollope novel of which I had never known about. This is the only one of his novels that I have read that includes a heroine who is complex and assertive, not an idealized Victorian maiden. The other major women characters are also well drawn and more realistic than Trollope's usual women. The author--daringly?--shows sympathy for a prostitute.


(4 stars)

Not one of Trollope's best, for me - though perhaps more realistic in being less satisfying, with none of the characters in the main love triangle quite fitting a positive or negative romantic stereotype? Plus it seems to pander to a harsher morality than I usually associate with Trollope. Enjoyable nonetheless. Thanks to the reader.


(0 stars)

I will keep trying because I love Trollope's stories, but the mispronunciation of proper names (like Salisbury e.g.) makes it very difficult to go on without exasperation - it doesn't seem to be much to ask .... why can't Americans just do an elementary check? It would be a courtesy so well appreciated.

terrible British accent!

(1 stars)

Had to stop listening because the accent was so distracting. I wish people would stop using Librivox as a platform for practicing foreign accents. Fake accents add NOTHING to a story and bad ones ruin the entire recording.