The Hindu Book of Astrology

Read by Jill Preston

(4.1 stars; 72 reviews)

”Each person is born in or under one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac and is thus influenced throughout life by the planetary conditions at their time of birth. By referring to your sign, which is indicated by your date and month of birth you can determine your natural tendencies and what is best for you to attract. No matter what one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac you are born under, you can develop into a good and successful person if you will pay strict attention to the golden truths printed in this book.” (Bhakti Seva) (2 hr 24 min)


Introduction 10:55 Read by Jill Preston
Capricorn 10:28 Read by Jill Preston
Aquarius 9:35 Read by Jill Preston
Pisces 9:22 Read by Jill Preston
Aries 10:18 Read by Jill Preston
Taurus 9:55 Read by Jill Preston
Gemini 10:15 Read by Jill Preston
Cancer 10:04 Read by Jill Preston
Leo 11:29 Read by Jill Preston
Virgo 10:49 Read by Jill Preston
Libra 10:36 Read by Jill Preston
Scorpio 9:43 Read by Jill Preston
Sagittarius 9:09 Read by Jill Preston
The Hindu Yogis' Rules for Attaining Health, Wealth and Happiness 11:28 Read by Jill Preston


Informações suscintas

(3 stars)

É um livro bem básico com boas informações e palavras inspiradoras.

Nicely & Clearly Read - Interesting Read of Wisdom

(4 stars)

The Hindu Of Astrology

(5 stars)

Is it a drug?


(1 stars)

too general, study real astrology

(1 stars)

I would give it a zero star if I could. Hindu astrology is not based on month-long sun signs. This is popular western astrology masqueraded as Hindu one.


(2 stars)

Well speaking for myself as a Libra I can only say I wish the character given to me by this Yogi was true. Sadly it isn't. In fact it couldn't be more wrong. This confirms my suspicion that astrology is not an exact science !


(1 stars)

All signs are basically the same. Don't complain, do what you are told. Work hard. Don't have any negative thoughts. And you will succeed. This is exactly what I would tell my subjects to keep them docile.