The Bondage of the Will

Read by Jonathan Lange

(4.8 stars; 52 reviews)

On the Bondage of the Will (Latin: 'De Servo Arbitrio', literally, "On Un-free Will", or "Concerning Bound Choice"), by Martin Luther, was published in December 1525. It was his reply to Desiderius Erasmus's De libero arbitrio diatribe sive collatio or On Free Will, which had appeared in September 1524 as Erasmus's first public attack on Luther, after being wary about the methods of the reformer for many years. At issue was whether human beings, after the Fall of Man, are free to choose good or evil. The debate between Luther and Erasmus is one of the earliest of the Reformation over the issue of free will and predestination. (Summary by Wikipedia) (0 hr 30 min)


00 - Prefaces: Publisher and Translator 9:02 Read by Jonathan Lange
01 - Introduction of Martin Luther 9:52 Read by Jonathan Lange
02 - Sections 1-8: Erasmus' Preface, Scepticism, Knowledge of God 39:08 Read by Jonathan Lange
03 - Sections 9-27: The Sovereignty of God 1:13:46 Read by Jonathan Lange
04 - Sections 28-40: Exordium 1:12:29 Read by Jonathan Lange
05 - Sections 41-58: Discussion, Part I-a 1:11:20 Read by Jonathan Lange
06 - Sections 59-75: Discussion, Part I-b 1:12:47 Read by Jonathan Lange
07 - Sections 76-90: Discussion, Part II-a 57:01 Read by Jonathan Lange
08 - Sections 91-110: Discussion, Part II-b 1:12:25 Read by Jonathan Lange
09 - Sections 111-125: Discussion, Part II-c 59:06 Read by Jonathan Lange
10 - Sections 126-134: Discussion, Part II-d 35:31 Read by Jonathan Lange
11 - Sections 135-145: Discussion, Part III-a 45:08 Read by Jonathan Lange
12 - Sections 146-155: Discussion, Part III-b 38:47 Read by Jonathan Lange
13 - Sections 156-168: Discussion, Part III-c 49:07 Read by Jonathan Lange
14 - Appendices 45:08 Read by Jonathan Lange


Timeless Truth

(4 stars)

Though I'm Arminian and thus disagree with Luther's view of predestination, I appreciate his fierce correction of Erasmus on the issue of the bondage of our wills to sin, and am joyed to know that He emphasized the necessity of grace.

well read

(5 stars)

a well read book, and a book of true substance.

Excellent! Every Christian should understand this.

(5 stars)

A very good reading. I had thought that "The Bondage of the Will" was too deep for me to understand, since I had tried to read it. But hearing it read here was a breakthrough. I am very grateful!

Classic Luther

(5 stars)

A very reasonable and biblical defense of the doctrine of total depravity, featuring Luther’s characteristic wit and humorous sarcasm.

(5 stars)

I really enjoyed this, but the pronunciation of impious was a bit irksome.

>une it8

(4.5 stars)

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