The Gladstone Colony: An Unwritten Chapter of Australian History

Read by Timothy Ferguson

(4 stars; 3 reviews)

This is an early history of the failed attempt to found the colony of North Australia at Gladstone, in what is now Central Queensland. (Summary by Timothy Ferguson) (9 hr 29 min)


Prefatory note and introduction 7:56 Read by Timothy Ferguson
The Genesis of the Gladstone Colony 37:35 Read by Timothy Ferguson
The Constitution of the New Colony 14:44 Read by Timothy Ferguson
Mr Gladstone Enunciates his Land Policy 16:33 Read by Timothy Ferguson
The Founding of the Colony 32:48 Read by Timothy Ferguson
The Veto of Earl Grey 30:49 Read by Timothy Ferguson
The Vindication of Colonel Barney 10:51 Read by Timothy Ferguson
The Growth and Development of Gladstone 30:40 Read by Timothy Ferguson
The Experiences of a Pioneer Squatter 19:51 Read by Timothy Ferguson
The Great Gold Rush 26:09 Read by Timothy Ferguson
A Marvellous Wild-Goose Chase 23:02 Read by Timothy Ferguson
The Host of Disappointed Diggers 40:54 Read by Timothy Ferguson
The Correspondence of Sir Maurice O'Connell 35:11 Read by Timothy Ferguson
A Grevious Error of Mr Gladstone's 54:35 Read by Timothy Ferguson
Major De Winton - Oldest living Gladstonian 26:19 Read by Timothy Ferguson
The Gladstone of To-Day 34:50 Read by Timothy Ferguson
Mr Gladstone's True Principles of Colonisation 34:39 Read by Timothy Ferguson
Mr Gladstone and the Colonies 1:02:03 Read by Timothy Ferguson
A Couple of Colonial Lectures 30:09 Read by Timothy Ferguson


(4 stars)

An interesting piece of local history. Well written, ev

accidentally rated but

(4 stars)

but sure, will save for "research" purposes heh(hahahaha), literally though! Definitely seems it has some fundamentally useful knowledge to be learned. When I do I'll be sure to leave an added review below this and if I happen to find it especially enjoyed I'll leave the 5th star.