Wild Animals I Have Known
Gelesen von Ernest Thompson Seton
Ernest Thompson Seton

Ernest Thompson Seton was an influential naturalist, and a sometime professional hunter and trapper. Much of this book speaks to the contradictions between these roles.
In November 2008, both the PBS series, "Nature," and the BBC series, "Natural World," presented episodes called "The Wolf That Changed America," about Seton, focused in particular on the first story in this book: "Lobo, King of the Currumpaw." Their contention was that his experiences in the capture of Lobo made him the outspoken and controversial activist for wildlife preservation he became.
From the Forward:
"THESE STORIES are true. Although I have left the strict line of historical truth in many places, the animals in this book were all real characters. They lived the lives I have depicted, and showed the stamp of heroism and personality more strongly by far than it has been in the power of my pen to tell...
"Such a collection of histories naturally suggests a common thought a moral it would have been called in the last century. No doubt each different mind will find a moral to its taste, but I hope some will herein find emphasized a moral as old as Scripture: we and the beasts are kin. Man has nothing that the animals have not at least a vestige of, the animals have nothing that man does not in some degree share.
"Since, then, the animals are creatures with wants and feelings differing in degree only from our own, they surely have their rights. This fact, now beginning to be recognized by the Caucasian world, was first proclaimed by Moses and was emphasized by the Buddhist over 2,000 years ago."
-- E.T. Seton
"Lobo" is worth hearing. But you'll be intrigued, too, I think, by the rest of the stories. I was.
-- "Grizzly" Smith
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Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
Wild Animals I Have Known, Episode 16 (Thank You)
Read by Ernest Thompson Seton
By: Rosanna Morris

H, Give me a chance. I am new to this site, but intrigued by animals. I will listen and leave some comments for you.
By: psionandy

I enjoyed this... Lobo and the Cottontail's we're particular favorites but all were worth listening to. The great thing about the stories is that all the animals, were written as animals. The characters were true, and although ineviably seen through Seeton's perspective they weren't "humans in animals clothes" at all. ...
By: Gail

I've heard the first two chapters and barely had time to be impressed with the great reading before I was entranced by the Lobo story. Nice choice, and nice job, Griz!
By: Grizzly Smith

(chuckle) Yeah, that'll work. Hope you enjoy the book, and the other books on the site. Take your time! Griz
By: Grizzly Smith

What, no comments? Would it be tacky to ask for comments? As long as I'm not begging? ;-) Griz
By: David Grizzly Smith

I have been remiss in looking at the comments here. A belated "thank you." Griz
thank you
thank you

Good book. But very gruesome!! Ages 67 & up
Louise Lyle

very interesting. And David Grizzly Smith is a great reader.