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The Fisherman and His Soul (Version 2)

Gelesen von Phil Chenevert

(4,214 Sterne; 21 Bewertungen)

To get what we want is often the greatest curse of all. The fisherman here accidentally catches a mermaid in his net. He falls in love with the Mermaid and tells her that he wants to marry her. She tells him that he can only marry her if he sends away his soul. From a Witch, the Fisherman learns how to send his soul away. The Soul makes several attempts to persuade the Fisherman to take him back, eventually convincing him to do so with the tale of a beautiful dancer who lives nearby. Too late does the Fisherman discover that the soul which he sent out into the world without a heart has become evil. So be careful what you set your heart on. This story was first published in 1896 in the book A House of Pomegranates. - Summary by phil chenevert (1 hr 32 min)


Part I


Read by Phil Chenevert

Part II


Read by Phil Chenevert

Part III


Read by Phil Chenevert


Chenevert is a good fit for this title

(4 Sterne)

Spend some time in Wilde’s sensuous dreamworld. Good reading.

one of my favorite

(2 Sterne)

story? eh. not my cup of tea.