Over Here and Over There
Gelesen von MaryAnn
Harry Zody

In publishing this book I have no intention whatsoever to offer a work of great literary value. As such it would undoubtedly be a failure, because, being of a non-English-speaking race, and only having been in this country a comparatively short time before going over to France, I cannot claim a mastery of the English language. It has merely been my intention to express the spirit which led me to America and thence with Pershing's Expeditionary Forces to France. (From Introductory) (0 hr 58 min)
Our Devil Hound Marines, Her Picture, My Boy Came Back, The Smile Victorious, T…
Read by MaryAnn

A quick read, but worthwhile! The poetry is pretty good; some of them made me cry—notably Redeemed and Joe Blye! I enjoyed the biographical section. This is a very patriotic work (by an American not born in America), and there’s much to appreciate about his experiences, perspectives, and values. I’ll pull this out if I need a good reading to share on the 4th of July!