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Paul Bryers The File On Leo Kaplan

Saturday-Night Theatre: The File on Leo Kaplan Sat 12th Jan 1980, 20:30 on BBC Radio 4 FM By Paul Bryers, based on his novel "The Cat Trapper" With Trevor Cooper as Christopher Coney and Jenny Twigge as Caroline Kovaks Christopher Coney earns his living as a travel writer "re-writing puffs for the travel trade"- a job he describes as a "mug's game." But when he takes off with a girl-friend for Bulgaria to write a piece on the Black Sea resorts, he walks into adventure and the sort of danger which a mere travel writer hardly expects to face in the normal course of duty - mug or no mug! Director: Bernard Krichefski Christopher Coney: Trevor Cooper Caroline Kovaks: Jenny Twigge Maggie: Lolly Cockerell Brewster: Brian Carroll Leo Kaplan: Godfrey Kenton Maurice Adler: Roger Hammond Andrei Levin: Gordon Reid Bohdan: John Church Salakov: Leonard Fenton Chebrikov: Gordon Reid With John Bott, Sonia Fraser, Rowena Roberts Eva Stuart, David Timson Music Composer/Director: Mike Steer Electric Violinist: Alastair McLachlan Guitar Synthesiser Player: Kevin Peek Keyboardist: Keith Miller Bass Guitarist: John Richards Percussionist: Bernard Shaw

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.


The File On Leo Kaplan
