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A History of the Papacy from the Great Schism to the Sack of Rome, Volume II

Gelesen von Pamela Nagami

(4,5 Sterne; 1 Bewertungen)

Mandell Creighton's history of the Papacy continues in Volume II with the condemnation in 1415 of Jan Hus by the Council of Constance and his death at the stake. His execution ignites civil war in Bohemia. Gregory XII abdicates as pope and the Council elects Oddone Colonna, Pope Martin V. The second Antipope John XXIII is eventually forced to resign, but the wily and stubborn Antipope, Benedict XIII, refuses to abdicate and flees to his native Spain, where he dies in 1423. The scene shifts to Basil, where a second Council has been convened to quell heresy in Bohemia and to reform the Church. Pope Eugenius IV, contesting its authority, undermines all its work. The volume closes with the Council of Florence, headed by the Pope, and attended by the Greek emperor and his chief prelates. Eugenius craves the glory of uniting, under the Pope, the Eastern and Western churches, but the Emperor just wants military aid to save Constantinople from the Turks.
(Summary by Pamela Nagami, M.D.) (13 hr 49 min)


Book II: The Council of Constance,1414-1418 , Ch. 4: John Hus in Bohemia, 1398-…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. II, Ch. 4: John Hus in Bohemia, 1398-1414, Pt. 2


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. II, Ch. 4: John Hus in Bohemia, 1398-1414, Pt. 3


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. II, Ch. 5: The Council of Constance and the Bohemian Reformers, 1414-1416, …


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. II, Ch. 5: The Council of Constance and the Bohemian Reformers, 1414-1416, …


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. II, Ch. 5: The Council of Constance and the Bohemian Reformers, 1414-1416, …


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. II, Ch. 5: The Council of Constance and the Bohemian Reformers, 1414-1416, …


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. II, Ch. 6: Sigismund's Journey, and the Council During his Absence, 1415-14…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. II, Ch. 6: Sigismund's Journey, and the Council During his Absence, 1415-14…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. II, Ch. 7: The Council of Constance and the Election of Martin V, 1417, Pt.…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. II, Ch. 7: The Council of Constance and the Election of Martin V, 1417, Pt.…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. II, Ch. 7: The Council of Constance and the Election of Martin V 1417, Pt. 3


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. II, Ch. 8: Martin V and the Reformation at Constance. End of the Council, 1…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. II, Ch. 8: Martin V and the Reformation at Constance. End of the Council, 1…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. II, Ch. 8: Martin V and the Reformation at Constance, End of the Council, 1…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. II, Ch.8: Martin V and Italian Affairs, 1419-1425, Pt. 3


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III: The Council of Basel, 1419-1425, Ch. 1: Martin V and Italian Affairs, …


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 1: Martin V and Italian Affairs, 1419-1425, Pt. 2


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 1: Martin V and Italian Affairs, 1419-1425, Pt. 3


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 2: Martin V and the Papal Restoration, Beginnings of Eugenius IV, …


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 2: Martin V and the Papal Restoration, Beginnings of Eugenius IV, …


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 3: Bohemia and the Hussite Wars, 1418-1431, Pt. 1


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 3: Bohemia and the Hussite Wars, 1418-1431, Pt. 2.


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 3: Bohemia and the Hussite Wars, 1418-1431, Pt. 3


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 4: First Attempt of Eugenius IV to Dissolve the Council of Basel, …


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 4: First Attempt of Eugenius IV to Dissolve the Council of Basel, …


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 4: First Attempt of Eugenius IV to Dissolve the Council of Basel, …


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 4: First Attempt of Eugenius IV to Dissolve the Council of Basel, …


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 5: The Council of Basel and the Hussites, 1432-1434, Pt. 1


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 5: The Council of Basel and the Hussites, 1432-1434, Pt. 2


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 5: The Council of Basel and the Hussites, 1432-1434, Pt. 3


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 6: Eugenius IV and the Council of Basel. Negotiations with the Gre…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 6: Eugenius IV and the Council of Basel. Negotiations with the Gre…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 6: Eugenius IV and the Council of Basel. Negotiations with the Gre…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 6: Eugenius IV and the Council of Basel. Negotiations with the Gre…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 7: War Between the Pope and the Council, 1436-1438, Pt. 1


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 7: War Between the Pope and the Council, 1436-1438, Pt. 2


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 7: War Between the Popes and the Council, 1436-1438, Pt. 3


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 8: Eugenius IV in Florence. The Union of the Greek Church, 1434-14…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 8: Eugenius IV in Florence. The Union of the Greek Church, 1434-14…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III, Ch. 8: Eugenius IV in Florence. The Union of the Greek Church, 1434-14…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Bk. III: Ch. 8: Eugenius IV in Florence. The Union of the Greek Church, 1434-14…


Read by Pamela Nagami