Mimosa, Who Was Charmed
Gelesen von MaryAnn
Amy Wilson Carmichael

“This story is true. It tells the eternally new tale of the matchless charm of our Lord Jesus Christ. One look at that loveliness, and, though the one who looked did not even remember His name, she was his forever. It [speaks] in a clear glad voice and it [says] ‘Fear not at all. Where your hands cannot reach and your love cannot help, His hands can reach and His love can help. So why are you afraid?’ And it is said that miles of space and solid walls and locked doors are nothing to Love. Nothing at all. And it is said—and we set it down with a great hope that it may cheer some other, for it said it very earnestly, ‘The seed is not your poor little word. The seed is the Word of God.’” (from the Foreword) (3 hr 12 min)
Ch 13 - The Golden Pot That Had Manna; Ch 14 - The Stab of a Knife; Ch 15 - Tak…
Read by MaryAnn
Ch 19 - In the House of Her Friends; Ch 20 - The Fortunate Fourth; Ch 21 - Mylo…
Read by MaryAnn
Ch 22 - Siva's Sign; Ch 23 - The Unlucky Fifth; Ch 24 - The Ceremony of the Cor…
Read by MaryAnn
Ch 25 - The Empt Oil Bottle; Ch 26 - Redeemer, Christ, Command Thy Double Heali…
Read by MaryAnn
Ch 28 - Shal I Be Offended With You?; Ch 29 - I Know Him by Suffering; Ch 30 - …
Read by MaryAnn
Ch 31 - Star's Burden; Ch 32 - Blockhead; Ch 33 - As a Red hot Wire in the Ear
Read by MaryAnn
Ch 37 - The End of a Golden Thread; Ch 38 - Farewell, Little Brothers; Ch 39 - …
Read by MaryAnn
A Gift

A beautiful, meaningful, soul nourishing book, read by a soothing, fantastic reader. 💕 Such a blessing to have this shared as I don't have access to the book. Thank you so much. 🤍