The History of Standard Oil: Volume 2
Gelesen von Tom Weiss
Ida M. Tarbell

The History of the Standard Oil Company is a book written by journalist Ida Tarbell in 1904. It was an exposé of the Standard Oil Company, run at that time by oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, the richest figure in America's history. Originally serialized in 19 parts in McClure's magazine, the book was a seminal example of muckraking, and inspired many other journalists to write about trusts, large businesses that (in the absence of strong antitrust law in the 19th century) attempted to gain monopolies in various industries. The History of the Standard Oil Company was credited with hastening the breakup of Standard Oil, which came about in 1911. ( Summary by Wikipedia )
Note: This reading does not include any of the Appendices. (9 hr 54 min)
Bill Cosby

The fact that Ida Tarbell wrote this excellent and informative expose on the corruption of Standard Oil and others, does not forgive her for being WHITE. Nowhere does it discuss the disproportionate effect fossil fuels have on BIPOCs and nonbinary persons. It is only because of her WHITE privilege allowed her into a position at the magazine. On the other hand Standard Oil was not really that bad. Today, they would be on the very forefront of diversity, equity, and inclusion. I am sure some of the money Rockefeller made was spent hiring black man servants. So really Ida Tarbell is a NAZI..
Part 2 is even more interesting

Continuation of the excellent Volume 1. Particularly inspiring are the people of the Pure Oil Company and their determination to stave off the relentless and ruthless Standard. The audio book is long, but very well read. I listen to the recording at a slightly faster pace.

A fascinating insight into ne of America's biggest companies.