Short History of the Christian Church
Gelesen von TriciaG
John Fletcher Hurst

"The present work has as its basis the series of five Short Histories by the same author, which appeared in the following order: The Reformation, 1884; The Early Church, 1886; The Medieval Church, 1887; The Modern Church in Europe, 1888; and The Church in the United States, 1890. The five volumes form a connected History of the Church nearly down to the present time." (from the preface)
John Fletcher Hurst was an American bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church. He wrote the 5 histories as Chautauqua textbooks. The audio files are in the following order:
Part 1: The Early Church (A.D. 30-750)
Part 2: The Medieval Church (A.D. 750-1517)
Part 3: The Reformation (A.D. 1517-1545)
Part 4: The Modern Church in Europe (A.D. 1558-1892)
Part 5: The Church in the United States (A.D. 1492-1892) (26 hr 30 min)
Charles M

Great listening. If you’re interested in the history of the Christian church in America this is a wonderful way to gain insight into what brought us to the current day.
Short but broad history
BeeJay Van De Griendt

A short history of the Church, but very comprehensive. Well read by Tricia G.

Fascinating subject. Thank you to the reader , you were wonderful!!