LibriVox Audio Books

Las Fábulas de Esopo, Vol. 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


Las clásicas Fábulas de Esopo han sido traducidas a todos idiomas por cientos de años. Las fábulas, en forma de …

The Return of Sherlock Holmes

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Having left Sherlock Holmes apparently deceased at the conclusion of The Final Problem (in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes), we now find that…

The Swiss Family Robinson

Read by Mark F. Smith

Johann David Wyss

The Swiss Family Robinson has delighted generations of readers with its exciting tale of a family which, though shipwrecked, displays “the r…

Cuentos de Amor de Locura y de Muerte

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Horacio Quiroga

Colección de cuentos de Horacio Quiroga.

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Mark Twain

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) by Mark Twain is one of the truly great American novels, beloved by children, adults, and literary cri…

The Sayings of Confucius

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Confucius 孔子

Promoting virtues such as filial devotion, compassion, loyalty, and propriety, these dialogues between the ancient Chinese philosopher Confu…

King Arthur and His Knights

Read by Robin Cotter

Maude L. Radford Warren

A collection of King Arthur's adventures, from his ascent to King of Britain to his death. This book includes some of the crucial Arthurian …

The Majesty of Calmness

Read by Audio Andrea

William George Jordan

Change your life by changing your thoughts. The Majesty of Calmness is your guide to attracting prosperity, manifesting opportunities, and m…

The Sea Wolf

Read by Tom Crawford

Jack London

The Sea-Wolf is a novel written in 1904 by American author Jack London. An immediate bestseller, the first printing of forty thousand copies…


Read by Chere Theriot

Ayn Rand

Anthem is a dystopic science fiction story taking place at some unspecified future date. Mankind has entered another dark age as a result of…

The Gods of Mars

Read by JD Weber

Edgar Rice Burroughs

The Gods of Mars is a 1918 Edgar Rice Burroughs science fiction novel, the second of his famous Barsoom series.It can be said that the novel…

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (version 2)

Read by Kara Shallenberg (1969-2023)

Lewis Carroll

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculi…

Love and Freindship

Read by Cori Samuel

Jane Austen

Love and Freindship [sic] is a juvenile story by Jane Austen, dated 1790, when Austen was 14 years old. Love and Freindship (the misspelling…

Max und Moritz

Read by Mikki Starzmann-Kassi

Wilhelm Busch

Max und Moritz - Eine Bubengeschichte in sieben Streichen (Erstveröffentlichung 4. April 1865) ist das wohl bekannteste Werk von Wilhel…

A Christmas Carol

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Charles Dickens

A classic tale of what comes to those whose hearts are hard. In a series of ghostly visits, Scrooge visits his happy past, sees the difficul…

The Shadow Over Innsmouth

Read by H. P. Lovecraft

H. P. Lovecraft

Rumours abound of sinister goings-on in the ancient Massachusetts seaport of Innsmouth. The once prosperous town, which has fallen into a st…

El Secreto: Eres T?

Read by elsecreto


"El Secreto: Eres tú", es un libro de superación personal. Se ha creado a partir de la recopilación de dif…

El Retrato De Dorian Gray

Read by krahs

Oscar Wilde

Basil Hallward es un artista que queda enormemente impresionado por la belleza estética de un joven llamado Dorian Gray y comienza a …


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Unknowntranslated Byfrancis Barton Gummere and Translated Byfrancis Barton Gummere

This is a short but beautiful book, and the Gummere translation really captures the feel of the Old English. Beowulf tells the story of a my…

The Lone Star Ranger

Read by Mark F. Smith

Zane Grey

Buck Duane, son of a famous gunfighter, falls prey to the old problem - called out by a cowboy who wants to make trouble, Duane kills him an…

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