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Chapters 7, 8, 9 & 10

In Blacky the Crow

Read by Jude Somers

Thornton W. Burgess

Blacky the Crow is a clever rascal who lives in the Green Forest and Meadow. He loves to play tricks on the other little people who are his …

The Origin Of Rubies

In Folk Tales Every Child Should Know

Read by Jude Somers

Hamilton Wright Mabie

We have always loved stories. people have always entertained each other by telling tales around the campfire; traveling storytellers were hu…

Angels Unawares

In The Barberry Bush and Eight Other Stories for Girls

Read by Jude Somers

Susan Coolidge

Eight heartwarming stories. Most of the stories are about girls, and their adventures. Susan Coolidge is also author of "What Katy Did.…

Ch.5 - The Oriole's StoryCh.6 - A Merry Adventure

In Policeman Bluejay

Read by Jude Somers

L. Frank Baum

This is another "TWINKLE TALE" from Mr. Baum (written under the pen name Laura Bancroft) and celebrates the further adventures of …

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