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Book III, Chapter III: In which Mr. Booth sets forward on his journey.

In Amelia (Vol. 1)

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Henry Fielding

This is the first volume of a three volume novel. In this novel, Amelia marries William Booth against her mother's desires, and the two must…

04 - Book I ch.30-41

In De Bello Gallico Libri Septem

Read by Malone

Gaius Julius Caesar

In this book the famous Gaius Julius Caesar himself describes the seven years of his war in Gaul.When Caesar got proconsul of Gallia and Ill…

Chapter I g: Dream-Theories and the Function of the Dream

In The Interpretation of Dreams

Read by Malone

Sigmund Freud

A neat book on dream analysis by the founding father of psychoanalysis. This book is about the inner theater and the workings of the mind in…

Les Colchiques

In Alcools

Read by Malone

Guillaume Apollinaire

Apollinaire is a pivotal figure in the history of French poetry. Friend of Picasso, albeit a sometimes volatile one, inventor of the term 's…

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