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11 - Le Convive des dernières fêtes, deuxième partie

In Contes cruels

Read by Nadine Eckert-Boulet

Auguste de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam and Auguste Villiers De L'Isle-Adam

Les contes réunis par Villiers sont d'une grande diversité. Leur dénominateur commun est, selon l'auteur, la cruaut&eac…

Version 6

In Poème du Mois - 005 Le Chat

Read by Nadine Eckert-Boulet

Charles Baudelaire

LE CHATViens, mon beau chat, sur mon cœur amoureux:Retiens les griffes de ta patte,Et laisse-moi plonger dans tes beaux yeux,Mêl&eacut…

008 - Book II, Chapter 3

In Camilla

Read by Nadine Eckert-Boulet

Frances Burney

Camilla is Frances Burney's third novel. It became very popular upon its publication in 1796. Jane Austen referred to it, among other novels…

16 - Disenchanted

In Modeste Mignon

Read by Nadine Eckert-Boulet

Honoré de Balzac

Modeste Mignon, a young provincial woman of romantic temperament, imagines herself to be in love with the famous Parisian poet Melchior de C…

03 - Chapter III

In Windsor Castle, Book 1

Read by Nadine Eckert-Boulet

William H. Ainsworth and William Harrison Ainsworth

Book 1 - Anne Boleyn. The focus of the novels is on the events surrounding Henry VIII's replacing Catherine of Aragon with Anne Boleyn as h…

Usefulness of Cats

In Our Cats and All About Them

Read by Nadine Eckert-Boulet

Harrison Weir

The Englishman Harrison Weir organized the first cat show in England in 1871. In 1887 he founded the National Cat Club and was its first Pre…

10 - 1 - La surface de la question

In Les Misérables - tome 4

Read by Nadine Eckert-Boulet

Victor Hugo

Dans le quatrième volet des Misérables, L'idylle rue Plumet et l'épopée rue Saint-Denis, l'action se déro…

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