John Dos Passos
Three Soldiers

Read by mb
Three Soldiers is a 1920 novel by the American writer and critic John Dos Passos. It is one of the key American war novels of the First Worl…
30 American Poems

Read by Bellona Times
This is a sequel of sorts to 37 American Poems, one of my first solos. Concentration here is on late 19th to early 20th Century works by US …
Eight Harvard Poets

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
"I will wade outtill my thighs are steeped in burn-ing flowersI will take the sun in my mouthand leap into the ripe airAlivewith closed…
One Man's Initiation--1917

Read by Mark Leder
In this semi-autobiographical work, his first novel, John Dos Passos describes the experiences of young Martin Howe as an ambulance driver, …