Pedro Calderón De La Barca
La Dama Duende

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Entre las comedias del fecundo y elegante Calderón merecía, sin duda, uno de los lugares mas distinguidos la que se conoce con…
La vida es sueño

Read by KendalRigans
La vida es sueño es una obra de teatro de Pedro Calderón de la Barca estrenada en 1635 y perteneciente al movimiento literario…
Life is a Dream

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Of all Calderon's works, "Life is a Dream" may be regarded as the most universal in its theme. It seeks to teach a lesson that may…
The Fairy Lady

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Don Manuel and Cosmo are visiting town to stay with Don Manuel's friend Don John de Toledo for the young Prince's christening, when suddenly…
Balthasars Nachtmahl

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Als Grundlage dieses Stückes diente Pedro Calderón das Gastmahl des Belsazar aus Daniel 5, im Alten Testament.Balthasar feiert e…
The Purgatory of St. Patrick

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This is a "mystical drama founded on the lives of Saints. Mr. Ticknor prefers it to the more celebrated 'Devotion of the Cross,' and sa…

La vida es sueño (Version 2)

Read by Epachuko
La vida es sueño, publicada en 1635, es posiblemente la obra de teatro más relevante del barroco español. Pedro Calder&…
The Wonder-Working Magician
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"The Wonderful Magician" is perhaps better known to poetical students in England from the spirited fragment Shelley has left us in…
Keep Your Own Secret

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"Love and perseverance will at last vanquish every obstacle. Today I have kept out of the way of every possible hindrance... and at thi…
Life is a Dream
Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Life Is a Dream (La vida es sueño) is a Spanish-language verse drama by Pedro Calderón de la Barca. First published in 1636, t…