Ven. Losang Monlam

Discovering Buddhism - Wisdom of Emptiness

The wisdom of emptiness is the ultimate teaching in Buddhism; its main tenet is that our suffering is caused by our inability to perceive th…

Discovering Buddhism - Wisdom of Emptiness

Discovering Buddhism- Wisdom of Emptiness Ven. Losang Monlam The realization of emptiness is crucial for the attainment of liberation and en…

Lamrim Four Noble Truths 20060326

Stages of the Path (Lamrim) Four Noble Truths When Shakyamuni Buddha attained enlightenment, the first public teaching he gave was on the Fo…

Karma; Discovering Buddhism

Discovering Buddhism Karma; Law of Cause and Effect These lectures introduce students to the evolution of the law of cause and effect; karma…

Transforming Problems Into Happiness; Discovering Buddhism

Transforming Problems Into Happiness Mind Training Discovering Buddhism Ven. Losang Monlam Using the Eight Verses of Thought Transformation,…