Crook Speech

(4 stars; 4 reviews)

history-Richard M.Nixon - Crook Speech

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.



Crook Speech ?????????????

(1 stars)

I think it funny when a person doesn't like some-one, and when they wasn't even around at thet time, Like to place labels on the person they don't like such as crook, He did nothing any other president has done before him. just do your home work and i'll bet you will find worse done by president then this.---Follow up for Jack'TheKnife'Davies- I was there, I got to meet em in California


(5 stars)

I find it funnier when other people, who werent there at the time, make assumptions to support their own opinions. I was there at the time and I beleive he was a crook.

good job

(5 stars)

Richard M. Nixon did a excellent over-all job. And I WAS THERE. I'm in my 70s now. Other people named it the crook speech, that's simply history.