Dragnet - Individual Files

(4.7 stars; 20 reviews)

Individual Files from the OTRR collection

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.


Introduction to the Old Time Radio Researchers Group 4:44
01 Dragnet Synopsis Audio Brief 5:53
02 Jack Webb Bio 9:22
03 Barton Yarborough Bio 2:20
Production 2 aka Homicide aka The Nickel Plated Gun 29:43
Production 3 aka The Werewolf 29:27
Production 4 aka Homicide aka Quick Trigger Gun Men 29:53
The Helen Corday Murder 29:51
Red Light Bandit 29:37
Attempted City Hall Bombing 29:58
Missing Persons - Juanita Lasky 29:55
Benny Trounsel - Narcotics 29:43
Production 10 aka Homicide aka Maniac Murderer aka Mad Killer At Large 29:55
Production 11 aka Sixteen Jewel Thieves 29:42
Police Academy - Mario Koski 29:19
Auto Burglaries - Myra, the Redhead 29:56
Eric Kelby - Body Buried In Nursery 29:52
Sullivan Kidnapping 29:26
James Vickers - Cop Killing - Tunnel Chase 29:12
Brick-Bat Slayer 29:13
Truck Hi-jackers - Tom Laval 29:14
Mrs. Rinard, Albert Barry - Mother-In-Law Murder 29:17
Spring Street Gang - Juveniles 29:16
George Quan - The Jade Thumb Rings 29:13
The Garbage Chute Murder - Laura Barkley 29:17
Dragnet 49-12-22 030 22 Rifle for Christmas 27:16
The Roseland Roof Murders 30:44
Max Tyler - Escaped Convict 29:17
The Big Man Part 1 (Narcotics) 29:18
The Big Man Part 2 (Narcotics) 58:55
Claude Jimmerson, Child Killer 29:20
The Big Girl 29:19
The Big Grifter 29:20
The Big Kill 29:22
The Big Thank You 29:38
The Big Boys 29:12
The Big Gangster Part 1 29:13
The Big Gangster Part 2 29:19
The Big Book 29:26
The Big Watch 29:23
The Big Trial 29:19
The Big Job 29:20
The Big Badge 29:18
The Big Knife 29:17
The Big Pug 29:20
The Big Key 29:47
The Big Fake 29:37
The Big Smart Guy 29:38
The Big Press 29:19
The Big Mink 29:19
The Big Grab 29:05
The Big Frame 29:17
The Big Bomb 29:19
The Big Gent Part 1 29:12
The Big Gent Part 2 29:20
The Big Dare 29:17
The Big Actor 29:18
The Big Youngster 29:19
The Big Chance 29:20
The Big Check 29:18
The Big Poison 29:21
The Big Make 29:21
The Big Pair 29:17
The Big Death 29:13
The Big 38 29:14
The Big Quack 29:10
The Big Grandma 29:20
The Big Meet 29:21
The Big Church 29:17
The Big Mother 29:18
The Big Parrot 29:17
The Big Betty 29:18
The Big Car 29:18
The Big Picture 29:17
The Big Break 29:22
22 Rifle for Christmas 29:26
The Big Family 25:43
The Big Holdup 30:19
The Big Jump 29:46
The Big Dance 29:28
The Big Tomato 30:21
The Big Children 29:09
The Big Cast 29:01
The Big Crime 29:18
The Big Couple 29:33
The Big Partner 26:47
The Big New Years 26:35
The Big Ben 26:11
The Big Trunk 25:08
The Big Lover 25:15
The Big Friend 29:17
The Big Threat 29:34
The Big Speech 29:38
The Big Saint 29:35
The Big Casing 29:26
The Big Drills 26:34
The Big Blast 29:30
The Big Mailman 29:35
The Big Bindle 29:34
The Big Imposter 29:29
The Big Building 29:40
The Big Run 28:54
The Big Cliff 29:27
The Big Love 29:57
The Big Set-Up 29:55
The Big Sophomore 29:49
Dragnet 51-07-26 111 The Big Late Script 29:12
The Big Screen 29:39
The Big Winchester 29:17
The Big In-Laws 28:30
The Big Crazy 29:33
Dragnet 51-09-06 117 The Big 17 29:16
Dragnet 51-09-13 118 The Big Waiter 29:17
The Big Sour 29:10
The Big September Man 29:13
The Big Want Ad 27:41
The Big Shoplift 29:51
The Big Story Man 25:55
The Big Market 29:29
The Big Lease 28:23
Dragnet 51-11-08 126 The Big Hit and Run Killer 29:15
The Big Bungalow 29:16
The Big Hands 29:19
The Big Affair 30:05
The Big Canaries 30:05
The Big Overtime 29:51
22 Rifle for Christmas 25:29
The Big Sorrow 29:46
The Big Red Part 1 29:51
The Big Red Part 2 29:25
The Big Juvenile Division 29:47
The Big Court 29:15
The Big Almost No Show 29:36
The Big Honeymoon 29:23
The Big Phone Call 29:33
The Big Producer 29:29
The Big Plant 29:24
The Big Evans 29:28
The Big Fire 29:34
The Big Border 29:31
The Big Rose 29:31
The Big Streetcar 29:29
The Big Show 29:28
The Big Bunco 29:51
The Big Elevator 29:28
The Big Safe 29:27
The Big Gamble 29:29
The Big Mail 29:18
The Big Shakedown 29:20
The Big Fourth 29:25
The Big Whiff 29:21
The Big Donation 29:27
The Big Jules 27:27
The Big Roll 29:18
The Big Trio 29:33
The Big Hate 29:14
The Big Signet 29:25
The Big Impression 29:31
The Big Drive 29:19
The Big Paper 29:37
The Big Test 29:30
The Big Ray 29:33
The Big Tear 27:39
The Big Bull 29:36
The Big Shot 29:22
The Big Brain 25:16
The Big Jolt 29:17
The Big Lie 29:34
The Big Pill 29:35
The Big Number 29:38
The Big Light 29:42
The Big Dive 29:26
The Big Walk 29:21
The Big Guilt 29:23
The Big Shirt 29:25
The Big Mole 29:28
The Big Eavesdrop 28:58
22 Rifle for Christmas 26:47
The Big Mask Part 1 29:54
The Big Mask Part 2 28:22
The Big Small 29:27
The Big String 29:24
The Big Lay-Out 29:42
The Big Strip 29:43
The Big Press 29:31
The Big Tooth 29:32
The Big Smoke 29:33
The Big Want 29:24
The Big Laugh 29:31
The Big Impossible 29:32
The Big Informant 29:43
The Big Dream 29:41
The Big Chet 28:55
The Big Compulsion 30:02
The Big Rip 28:54
The Big Scrapbook 29:21
The Big Carney 29:25
The Big Joke 29:25
The Big False Move 29:44
The Big Gun Part 1 31:03
The Big Gun Part 2 29:01
The Big Will 29:35
The Big Lilly 29:13
The Big Revolt 29:28
The Big Ham 29:23
The Big Bop 29:28
The Big Lift 29:34
The Big Cab 29:27
The Big Slip 29:29
The Big Try 29:42
The Big Little Mother 29:32
The Big Plea 29:41
The Big Paint 29:41
The Big Fraud 29:22
The Big Rain 29:15
The Big Kid 29:40
The Big Flight 25:43
The Big Present 29:30
The Big Odd 29:38
The Big Pick 25:43
The Big Brink 29:26
The Big Little Jesus 29:18
The Big Steal 25:40
The Big Listen 29:30
Dragnet 54-01-12 230 The Big Switch 29:02
The Big Bill 25:35
The Big Bid 29:12
The Big Filth 29:16
The Big Broad 29:26
The Big Sucker 29:27
The Big Pipe 29:53
The Big TV 29:01
The Big Cup 29:17
The Big Rod 29:52
The Big Mustache 29:37
The Big Confession 29:48
The Big Saw 29:17
The Big Note 29:17
The Big Net 29:20
The Big Lift 29:09
The Big Stop 26:07
The Big Look 28:54
The Big Help 26:17
The Big Watch 26:21
The Big Cowboy 24:54
The Big Student 25:57
The Big Cat 26:14
The Big Customer 25:56
The Big Chick 26:07
The Big Search 25:54
The Big Rescue 26:08
The Big Heel 25:58
The Big Match 26:05
The Big Stand 25:48
The Big Wish 26:09
The Big Cad 26:21
The Big Shock 25:59
The Big Office 25:44
The Big Trunk 25:31
The Big Cut 25:40
The Big Try (different from September 29, 1953) 26:13
The Big Bible 26:10
The Big Handsome Bandit 26:01
The Big Tarbaby 26:27
The Big Manikin 26:44
The Big Key 26:20
The Big Locker 24:36
The Big Coins 25:02
The Big Dog 24:46
The Big Switch 25:52
The Big Gone 26:05
The Big Dig 25:52
The Big Lens 26:26
The Big Little Jesus 26:49
The Big Underground 25:38
The Big Mug 26:05
The Big Complex 25:31
The Big Token 25:32
The Big Bounce 24:56
The Big Bird 25:55
The Big Gap 25:33
The Big Hat 25:12
The Big Slug 25:45
The Big Set-Up 25:51
The Big Father 25:30
The Big Set 25:40
The Big Talk 25:18
The Big Death 24:17
The Big No Tooth 24:00
The Big Tie 24:53
The Big Deal 24:33
The Big Child 25:28
The Big Momma 25:25
The Big Revision 25:34
The Big Squealer 25:27
The Big Siege 25:43
The Big Sisters 29:18
The Big Limp 24:50
The Big Fall Guy 29:23
The Big Grab 25:14
The Big Convertible 25:06
The Big Rush 24:39
The Big Genius 24:59
The Big Bobo 29:06
The Big Housemaid 25:10
The Big Sheet 24:59
The Big Missus 29:14
The Big Beer 26:25
The Big Blonde 24:49
The Big Fellow 24:16
The Big Ruling 29:12
The Big Daughter 25:04
The Big Close 25:23
The Big Shot 29:26
The Big Brain 25:25
The Big Jolt 24:07
The Big Lie 30:01
The Big Pill 26:14
The Big Number 29:29
The Big Light 29:51
The Big Dive 24:53
The Big Walk 29:47
The Big Guilt 29:01
The Big Shirt 29:44
The Big Mole 29:00
22 Rifle for Christmas 25:10
The Big Mask Part 1 29:24
The Big Mask Part 2 28:12
The Big Small 28:20
The Big String 22:52
The Big Lay-Out 30:15
The Big Strip 29:17
The Big Press 29:21
The Big Tooth 28:58
The Big Smoke 29:38
The Big Want 25:47
The Big Laugh 29:45
The Big Impossible 30:02
22 Rifle for Christmas 25:15
The Big Informant 30:07
The Big Dream 26:23
The Big Chet 29:49
The Big Compulsion 26:37
The Big Rip 24:25
The Big Scrapbook 25:40
The Big Carney 29:55
The Big Joke 30:02
The Big False Move 29:56
The Big Gun Part 1 30:45
The Big Gun Part 2 28:57
The Big Will 29:31
The Big Lilly 30:28
The Big Revolt 29:23
The Big Ham 28:03
The Big Bop 26:49
The Big Lift 24:16
The Big Cab 29:22
The Big Slip 26:50
The Big Flight 25:45
The Big Present 25:45
The Big Odd 25:31
The Big Pick 25:32
The Big Brink 25:03
The Big Steal 25:54
The Big Listen 24:55
The Big Switch 25:31
The Big Bill 25:42
The Big Little Jesus 26:25
The Big Bid 24:17
The Big Filth 25:37
The Big Broad 25:00
The Big Sucker 26:08
The Big Pipe 25:22
The Big TV 23:54
The Big Cup 23:43
The Big Rod 24:05
The Big Mustache 24:59


The Death of Barton Yarborough

(5 stars)

I've heard it once, it was eerie. Jack Webb makes a rare step out of character and tells us of the death of Barton who plays his partner Ben Romero. It's very touching and yet he keeps his professionalism. When I find the titleagain, I will post it

Hey fool4radio!

(0 stars)

Hello, fool4radio; sorry to be a bit late answering your question, but with the new Archive layout I don't notice reviews so much any more. Hope you're still out there. Rather than asking your computer to do such heavy lifting, downloading and unzipping such a massive file, you may want to go to the OTRR page that has all the shows in 11 easy-to-manage zips, none bigger than 700Mb. Just do a search on the terms 'Dragnet' and 'OTRR', then look for the ones that say 'Old Time Radio Researchers Group' in the first line. There will be two of them; one titled 'Dragnet', and one titled 'Dragnet - Single Episodes'. The one you want is the one just titled 'Dragnet'. When I searched, it was the second item in the list of results. Alternatively, just go to this link (my links never work in reviews, but you can copy and paste it into your browser's address bar): https://archive.org/details/OTRR_Certified_Dragnet Once you're on that page, click 'ZIP' on the right side of the page, under 'Download Options', to expand the list of zip file links. OTRR collections are always of the best quality mp3s, and when you download the zip files you also get a wealth of interesting bonus material, almost always as part of zip file #1. They also have their 'Single Episode' pages, for sampling a show. Any show that you're interested in, search the title and the word 'OTRR', for the best listening exerience. Good luck, and happy listening; always nice to meet another Dragnet fan!

Many Are Inferior Sound Q

(0 stars)

I have been collecting the best examples of Dragnet radio programmes for many years (for Constitutionally perverse reasons). As far as I and a lot of other collectors know, there are only 344 unique programmes known, but new programmes do appear occasionally. Also, many of these are of inferior audio quality, —e.g., "The Big Cup (I have it in Hi-Fi)". So look around...

Great show but need help downloading

(5 stars)

I'm a big fan of Dragnet and the episodes on here are excellent. I'm having problems downloading the file though. it stops at about 5.96 GB and says it was interrupted. I've tried 4 times with the same result. Does anyone have a suggestion? Thanks to all involved.

The Big Sorrow

(5 stars)

Barton Yarborough died of a heart attack on December 15, 1951. The episode about 7 episodes after the Big Hit and Run Killer and one after the re broadcast of .22 Rifle for Christmas is the episode referred to below.

Dragnet shows

(3 stars)

The most memorable thing about most of the shows are the comercials, however I always seem to have time to listen to Jack one more time saveing us from the bad guys or ourselves as the case may be.

Laurel or Yanny? Among listeners here

(5 stars)

Just curious how it stacks up. I’m team yanny

(5 stars)

Dragnet provides a snapshot of 50.s - 60 s culture in California. Its great Thanks.