Love Story Magazine - Single Episodes

(3.5 stars; 20 reviews)


This series of only 26 episodes was broadcast in 1937. Dramatic dames and daring rogues... Such characters filled the pages of Love Story Magazine. This popular program for women told tales of loves lost and found, terrifying treacheries, broken hearts, tearful reunions, Prince Charmings and ladies spurned. This was probably what contributed it being a short lived series. If you like smarmy, then this is the series for you.

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.



Audio qual. XLNT story: Boo!

(3 stars)

Listening to the stories I kept waiting for the girl to discover her new dream guy was a scamster or trickster as in those suspenseful crime tales. Nope! One girl - she is in a bad job and some rando guy discovers her in a cafe and offers her a surprise job as a "beauty queen model" out of the blue! and- she has to Leave Now to go on some tropical cruise because at the last minute his regular model couldn't go! So, this girl off the street becomes his model, gets her picture taken on the cruise and so on, I kept waiting for her to find out its all a scam, but No! It is supposed to be a real Love Story! hahah. So, this guy from no where who found this one girl makes her a BEAUTY QUEEN, they fall in love and get married. Yep! You heard me right. I said "Whaaaa...?" you will to. These are acted out Day Dreams right out of a teenage girls fantasy journal, come to life. The writing and dialogue are so corny.

Tune in... and turn off your intellectual snobbery.

(3 stars)

Smarmy? Some would say pleasant, affectionate and innocent. Whilst innocence in reality is a myth we still yearn for its comforting embrace. Human nature doesn't change, in spite of political correctness and the hollow utterances of Illusory sophisticates whose "Let's fuck" is the height of social etiquette.

(1.5 stars)

Those stories make me sick. They’re so cheesy and cringy. It weird. Cause like in the last couple minutes of each episode, the hero and heroine miraculously fall in love. Or they claim they have “loved him/her all along.” In conclusion, it’s quite sickening.

(3 stars)

Not the best of storylines but considering when it was broadcast it wasn't too bad, mills and boon would be proud as they managed to cram a whole book into 15 minutes. just right to fall asleep too.


(5 stars)

such a great series of love but the reader sucks