WWII News and Related Sound files from 1938

Old Time Radio Programs. WWII News and Related Sound files from 1938
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.

While I've been a user of this site for sometime, I've never thought to listen to any of the 'Olde Time Radio' files from the "Golden Age of Radio". My Grandmother had a set of cassettes that had several different programs: 'The Shadow'; 'Abbott & Costello', as well as various news "flashes" of stories - what's called "Breaking News" today - and often fell asleep listening. After watching 'The American Experience' episode on the anniversary of Orson Wells' "The War of The Worlds" I did a search for the original broadcast and, of course, this site was the one I came to. You know the rest of the story: once I listened to the program in it's entirety - my first time, by the way - I was once again hooked on listening to an era of which I sometimes wished I had lived in, where families from coast to coast gathered round the radio every night. That being said (sorry for the book, here... ) this current set of files I'm listening is first-rate, five star entertainment and is very satisfying to my soul in some strange way. Well done!
Great archive... But Lindbergh speech is from 1941

The speech is given a date of "1938-00-00" but a search on a bit of the text locates it as being from September 11, 1941. "Charles Lindbergh's speech to an America First rally, September 11, 1941" Found it - as titled above - on the http://everything2.com/ site
Duplicate broadcast

1938-03-04 MBS Raymond Graham Swing On Russia And Germany.mp3 is a partial and poor copy of 1938-03-04 MBS Raymond Graham Swing On World Events.mp3

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Another good item

Telephone Toughguy
Very nice snippets of historical value.