1939-01-22 EIAR Benito Mussolini - Discorso
2:11 |
Eradicate The Jews In Europe
0:59 |
1939-02-20 German-American Bund Rally Madison Square
44:08 |
Gas Mask Drill
0:20 |
1939-03-12 PTT Reportage De Lintronisation Du Pape PIE XII
0:35 |
1939-03-15 BBC Chamberlain After Czech Invasion
0:30 |
1939-04-26 Former British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin Speaks In New York
1:49 |
Youth And The Hour Of Decision
2:04 |
1939-07-06 Herbert Hoover Urges US Neutrality In European Conflicts
3:09 |
on Nazi Bolshevism Soviet Fascism
0:30 |
1939-08-25 PTT Edouard Daladier Condamne Le Pacte Germano-Sovi
0:36 |
Czech Ambassador In London On Poland Situation
1:45 |
1939-08-27 CBS HV Kaltenborn Reports On The Eve Of War
5:03 |
1939-08-27 RRG German Foreign Ministry Warns Poland
0:25 |
European News
14:49 |
1939-08-28 MBS Sigrid Schultz In Berlin
7:25 |
1939-08-31 BBC Alvar Liddell Reports On German 16 Point Plan
0:31 |
Speech 'There Can Be No Peace'
1:28 |
Don't Listen To Foreign Broadcasts
2:38 |
1939-09-01 BBC Alvar Liddell Reports On Evacuation Of Children
0:40 |
1939-09-01 BBC Alvar Liddell Reports The Invasion Of Poland
0:46 |
On The War Looming Before Poland
0:41 |
1939-09-01 BBC S J de Lotbini-26c4f1fa4
0:45 |
1939-09-01 BBC S J de Lotbini
0:14 |
1939-09-01 CBS Adolf Hitler Announces War With Poland
7:13 |
1939-09-01 FDR Speaks On US Neutrality
1:08 |
1939-09-01 Herbert Hoover Speaks At The Onset Of The War
0:39 |
1939-09-01 PPR Radio Warsaw Reports On German Invasion
2:37 |
To US On War With Germany
1:05 |
Kriegserklärung An Polen
0:29 |
German Anthem & Horst Wessel Leid
1:46 |
1939-09-02 RRG Nazi Radio Defends German Invasion Of Poland
2:12 |
1939-09-03 BBC Britain Declares War On Germany
3:30 |
1939-09-03 BBC King George VI Addresses The Nation Excerpts 1
1:55 |
Addresses The Nation (Excerpts 2)
1:06 |
1939-09-03 BBC Places Of Entertainment To Be Closed
1:09 |
1939-09-03 BBC Prime Minister Chamberlain Declares War On Germany
5:48 |
1939-09-03 BBC Reports Defense Order Closing Places Of Entertainment
0:36 |
1939-09-03 CBS AP Bulletin On Peace Efforts
1:22 |
1939-09-03 FDR Speaks About The War Beginning In Europe
1:49 |
1939-09-07 CBS William L Shirer In Berlin
3:00 |
Evacuee Message To Parents
0:34 |
1939-09-20 NBC Reports On Adolph Hitlers Danzig Address
1:24 |
1939-09-21 CBS French Premier Daladiers Message To France
16:03 |
1939-09-21 FDR Addresses Extraordinary Session Of Congress
35:00 |
On Poland (H V Kaltenborn Commentary)
1:49 |
1939-09-22 CBS HV Kaltenborn Commentary
14:58 |
1939-10-01 BBC Winston Churchill - The First Month of the War
4:41 |
1939-10-07 CBS Elmer Davis With The News
4:40 |
By Princess Elizabeth
0:37 |
By A French Road
1:08 |
1939-10-24 CBS Elmer Davis Reports City Of Flint Still Missing
4:23 |
1939-10-30 CBS Elmer Davis Reports On Neutrality Bill
4:37 |
1939-10-31 CBS Elmer Davis Reports On Molotovs Speech
4:34 |
1939-11-11 BBC Queen Elizabeth - Broadcast To The Nation
1:16 |
1939-11-11 BBC Queen Elizabeth - Fortitude Of Women
1:34 |
1939-11-12 BBC Winston Churchill - Ten Weeks Of War
9:26 |
1939-11-30 CBS Elmer Davis And George Fielding Elliot
14:10 |
1939-11-30 CBS Elmer Davis Reports Russian Air Raids On Helsinki
4:41 |
1939-12-01 CBS Elmer Davis Reports The Defense Of Finland Continues
4:33 |
1939-12-02 CBS Elmer Davis Reports Germany Accuses Sweden
4:42 |
1939-12-13 RSH Lord Haw Haw - NY Times Reports Cruiser Exeter Damaged
0:34 |
1939-12-17 From Montevideo Uruguay - The End Of Graf Spee
0:22 |
1939-12-17 News Bulletin On Graf Spee
0:27 |
1939-12-18 BBC Winston Churchill - The Sinking Of The Graf Spee
5:01 |
1939-12-18 CBS Elmer Davis Reports On Russo-Finnish Front
4:41 |
1939-12-19 CBS Elmer Davis Reports German Liner Columbus Scuttled
4:41 |
1939-12-20 CBS Elmer Davis Reports Swedish Volunteer Units For Finland
4:46 |
On The Women In NS Germany
2:29 |
Reich Music Days
2:00 |
Germany Calling, Sign On
0:15 |
1939-xx-xx RSH Lord Haw Haw - Sign Off
0:37 |
390308 BBC Gas Mask Drill
0:20 |
390827 Hitlers Demands
5:04 |
390828 CBS European War Crisis
14:49 |
390828 London Before War Murrow
4:01 |
390901 BBC Evacuation of London
1:13 |
390902 Chamberlain Declares War
3:30 |
390903 BBC PM Chamberlain Declaration of War
0:43 |
390907 From Berlin Wm
3:02 |
390922 H V Kaltenborn Commentary
14:58 |
391013 BBC Princess Elizabeth aged 14
0:37 |
391015 BBC Richard Dimbleby By a French Road
1:08 |
391111 BBC Queen Elizabeth Fortitude of Women
0:48 |
391218 BBC Churchill Sinking of Graff Spee
0:43 |