1943-01-09 CBS World News Today
24:20 |
1943-01-23 VOA Deutschsprachige Nachrichten der Stimme Amerikas
2:32 |
Die Legende von Stalingrad
0:18 |
1943-02-09 BBCF Ici Londres - Victoire Sovi
0:21 |
1943-02-09 BBC Paul Winterton on Stalingrad
2:53 |
Reports Victory In Stalingrad
1:00 |
1943-02-18 RRG Joseph G
6:21 |
1943-02-18 Soong Mei-Ling Appeals To Congress To Aid Chinese Nationalists
3:42 |
1943-03-14 CBS World News Today
24:20 |
1943-03-21 BBC Winston Churchill - National Address
47:48 |
1943-03-21 CBS World News Carries Churchills Speech
57:34 |
1943-03-21 CBS World News Today
24:28 |
1943-03-28 CBS World News Today
24:33 |
1943-03-28 NBC World News Parade
14:13 |
1943-04-11 CBS World News Today
24:49 |
1943-04-18 CBS World News Today
24:39 |
1943-04-18 MBS Gabriel Heatter And The News
10:16 |
1943-05-02 NBCB FDR Fireside Chat - On The Coal Crisis
23:07 |
1943-05-07 CBC Lorne Green Reports Victory In Tunis
1:28 |
On German Surrender In N Africa
0:50 |
Home Sweet Home Part 1
0:27 |
1943-05-18 RRGO Axis Sally Mildred Gillars - Home Sweet Home Part 2
7:01 |
1943-05-18 RRGO Axis Sally Mildred Gillars - Home Sweet Home Part 3
6:39 |
Home Sweet Home Part 4
1:07 |
Home Sweet Home Part 5
0:02 |
1943-05-19 BBC Winston Churchill - Second Address To US Congress
52:02 |
1943-06-12 BBC Freddy Grisewood Reports On Tehran Conference
0:41 |
on Invasion of Sicily
1:20 |
1943-06-30 BBC Winston Churchill - Reaping The Whirlwind
14:23 |
1943-07-01 MBS Frank Singiser And The News
13:16 |
1943-07-11 CBS World News Today
24:52 |
Reports Mussolini Resigns
0:27 |
1943-07-25 CBS World News Today
23:57 |
1943-07-25 EIAR Announces The Resignation Of Mussolini
0:23 |
First Crack In The Axis
6:43 |
1943-08-15 CBS World News Today
24:13 |
1943-08-16 NBCB Raymond Gram Swing - History On The March
14:50 |
General Patton Enters Messina
0:44 |
With Town Band in Lentini
1:12 |
1943-08-26 MBS Paul Schubert
14:25 |
1943-08-28 NBCB John W Vandercook
14:44 |
1943-08-29 CBS World News Today
24:33 |
1943-08-31 CBC Winston Churchill - Broadcast From Quebec
11:42 |
Lancaster Bomber Crew Over Berlin
2:06 |
Announces Landings in Italy
0:45 |
1943-09-06 BBC Winston Churchill - Anglo American Unity
16:28 |
Announces Italian Surrender
0:18 |
1943-09-19 CBS World News Today
24:23 |
1943-09-26 CBS World News Today
24:15 |
1943-10-03 CBS World News Today
23:35 |
1943-10-04 Reichsf-263f5126a
0:37 |
1943-10-04 Reichsf-36546ceee
0:18 |
1943-10-04 Reichsf-42c531477
0:27 |
1943-10-04 Reichsf
0:14 |
1943-10-10 CBS World News Today
23:48 |
Reports Italy At War with Germany
0:33 |
1943-10-17 CBS World News Today
24:34 |
1943-10-28 BBC Winston Churchill - Rebuilding The House Of Commons
10:50 |
1943-11-03 CBS Daytime Radio Newspaper
15:05 |
1943-12-03 CBS Edward R Murrow Recounts Bomb Run On Berlin
18:00 |
1943-12-03 ER Murrow Orchestrated Hell Broadcast With RAF References
17:36 |
Reports On Tehran Conference
0:41 |
1943-12-24 FDR Fireside Chat
26:42 |
1943-12-26 CBS World News Today
24:41 |
1943-12-28 CBC Matthew Halton Canadians Attack Ortona
4:30 |
L'éléphant s'est cassé une défense
0:16 |
1943-xx-xx BBCF Ici Londres - Messages Personnels
0:23 |
1943-xx-xx CBC Canadian Lancaster Bomber Crew On Mission
1:57 |
1943-xx-xx RRGO Gerrys Front Calling - American POW Messages
1:03:13 |
1943-xx-xx RRGO Gerrys Front Calling - British POW Messages
27:45 |
1943-xx-xx RRG Radio Berlin Air Raid Warning
0:23 |
430209 BBC Paul Winterton on Stalingrad
1:34 |
430209 BBC Robert Robinson Victory Stalingrad
1:00 |
430418 Gabriel Heatter
10:16 |
430513 BBC Frank Gillard German Surrender in N Africa
0:50 |
430622 BBC Cdr Kimmins on Invasion of Sicily
1:20 |
430701 News of the World
13:16 |
430725 BBC Maurice Shillington Mussolini Resigns
0:27 |
430817 BBC Garry Marsh Patton Enters Messines
0:44 |
430822 BBC Frank Gillard Town Band in Lentini
1:12 |
430828 John W Vandercook
14:44 |
430903 BBC In a Lancaster Over Berlin
2:06 |
430903 BBC Mongomery Announces Landings in Italy
0:45 |
431013 BBC Freddy Grisewood Italy at War With Germany
0:33 |
431103 Daytime Radio Newspaper
15:04 |
431203 Bombing Run Ed Murrow
0:46 |
431206 BBC Freddy Grisewood Tehran Great Powers Meeting
0:41 |