The Bible Read By Pastor Chuck Smith

(4.2 stars; 57 reviews)

Selections from the King James Version of the Bible, with commentary by Pastor Chuck Smith.

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.


Genesis 1 (1-18) 53:57
Genesis 1 (19-31) 51:02
Genesis 2-3 29:40
Genesis 4-5 38:21
Genesis 6-7 35:00
01.Genesis/Genesis08-9 18:12
Genesis 10-12 52:25
Genesis 13-14 48:06
Genesis 15-18 34:45
Genesis 19-20 31:47
Genesis 21-23 52:04
Genesis 24-26 53:46
Genesis 27-28 56:05
Genesis 32-36 45:40
Genesis 37-38 32:30
Genesis 39-41 39:44
Genesis 42-45 50:19
Genesis 47-50 33:13
Exodus 1-5 55:14
Exodus 6-10 1:22:24
Exodus 11-12 36:38
Exodus 13-15 29:43
Exodus 16-18 34:40
Exodus 19-20 33:28
Exodus 21-22 23:23
Exodus 23 41:40
Exodus 26-29 1:06:26
Exodus 30-32 45:46
Exodus 33-34 38:57
Exodus 35-40 19:39
Leviticus 1-10 53:41
Leviticus 11-15 26:52
Leviticus 16-20 42:29
Leviticus 21-24 19:09
Leviticus 25-27 37:37
Numbers 1-10 1:24:31
Numbers 11-20 1:30:24
Numbers 21-28 1:32:56
Numbers 29-36 1:14:08
Deuteronomy 1-4 1:04:53
Deuteronomy 5-8 40:31
Deuteronomy 9-16 1:35:30
Deuteronomy 17-20 52:32
Deuteronomy 21-25 47:52
Deuteronomy 26-29 47:50
Deuteronomy 30-34 1:09:35
Joshua 1-8 1:21:43
Joshua 9-16 1:08:15
Joshua 17-24 1:24:35
Judges 1-7 1:37:33
Judges 8-14 1:03:38
Judges 15-16 54:29
Judges 17-21 51:13
Ruth 1-4 1:26:36
Pastor Chuck Smith - 1 Samuel 01-10 59:59
Pastor Chuck Smith - 1 Samuel 11-16 45:47
Pastor Chuck Smith - 1 Samuel 17-25 38:08
Pastor Chuck Smith - 1 Samuel 26-31 44:09
2 Samuel 1-7 1:36:22
2 Samuel 8-16 1:25:41
2 Samuel 17-24 1:21:30
1 Kings 1-4 55:12
11.I.Kings/PastorChuckSmith-1-Kings-05-8 1:12:41
11.I.Kings/PastorChuckSmith-1-Kings-09-16 1:28:34
11.I.Kings/PastorChuckSmith-1-Kings-17-22 1:33:53
II Kings 1-4 54:22
12.II.Kings/PastorChuckSmith-II-Kings-05-9 44:34
12.II.Kings/PastorChuckSmith-II-Kings-09-16 1:35:45
12.II.Kings/PastorChuckSmith-II-Kings-17-25 1:27:20
13.I.Chronicles/PastorChuckSmith-I-Chronicles-1-11 53:07
13.I.Chronicles/PastorChuckSmith-I-Chronicles-12-17 54:55
14.II.Chronicles/PastorChuckSmith-II-Chronicles-01-9 1:27:11
14.II.Chronicles/PastorChuckSmith-II-Chronicles-10-13 31:05
Pastor Chuck Smith - 2 Chronicles 14-18 1:07:11
Pastor Chuck Smith - 2 Chronicles 19-27 25:57
Pastor Chuck Smith - 2 Chronicles 28-36 47:49
Pastor Chuck Smith - Ezra 1:22:27
Pastor Chuck Smith - Nehemiah 01-7 29:24
Pastor Chuck Smith - Nehemiah 08-13 50:26
Pastor Chuck Smith - Esther 01-10 1:09:14
Job 1-4 54:28
Pastor Chuck Smith - Job 05-10 50:10
Pastor Chuck Smith - Job 11-20 1:26:49
18.Job/PastorChuckSmith-Job-21-30 1:03:40
Pastor Chuck Smith - Job 31-37 51:26
18.Job/PastorChuckSmith-Job-38-42 33:13
Psalm 1-15 1:25:32
Pastor Chuck Smith - Psalm 16-19 54:22
Pastor Chuck Smith - Psalms 20-30 50:03
Pastor Chuck Smith - Psalms 31-40 24:52
19.Psalms/PastorChuckSmith-Psalms-041-46 9:03
Pastor Chuck Smith - Psalms 47-50 43:49
Pastor Chuck Smith - Psalms 51-60 30:46
Pastor Chuck Smith - Psalms 61-70 41:31
Pastor Chuck Smith - Psalms 71-80 1:12:24
Pastor Chuck Smith - Psalms 81-90 1:31:11
Pastor Chuck Smith - Psalms 91-100 1:24:14
Pastor Chuck Smith - Psalms 101-106 1:25:49
Pastor Chuck Smith - Psalms 107-115 1:23:32
Pastor Chuck Smith - Psalms 117-119 1:14:57
Pastor Chuck Smith - Psalms 120-135 1:24:40
Pastor Chuck Smith - Psalms 136-150 1:24:05
Pastor Chuck Smith - Proverbs 01-5 26:07
Pastor Chuck Smith - Proverbs 6-10 1:11:44
20.Proverbs/PastorChuckSmith-Proverbs-11-15 1:16:12
Pastor Chuck Smith - Proverbs 16-20 1:22:31
20.Proverbs/PastorChuckSmith-Proverbs-21-25 23:40
Pastor Chuck Smith - Proverbs 26-31 25:10
Pastor Chuck Smith - Ecclesiastes 01-6 57:48
Pastor Chuck Smith - Ecclesiastes 07-12 54:07
Pastor Chuck Smith - Song of Solomon 16:18
Pastor Chuck Smith - Isaiah 1-5 1:23:35
Pastor Chuck Smith - Isaiah 6-10 1:25:52
23.Isaiah/PastorChuckSmith-Isaiah-11-15 52:44
23.Isaiah/PastorChuckSmith-Isaiah-16-20 17:31
23.Isaiah/PastorChuckSmith-Isaiah-21-25 25:01
23.Isaiah/PastorChuckSmith-Isaiah-26-30 25:17
23.Isaiah/PastorChuckSmith-Isaiah-31-35 1:19:38
Isaiah 36-40 1:29:29
Passtor Chuck Smith - Isaiah 41-42 45:41
Isaiah 43-45 57:29
Pator Chuck Smith - Isaiah 46-47 40:07
Isaiah 48-50 58:38
23.Isaiah/PastorChuckSmith-Isaiah-51-52 24:48
23.Isaiah/PastorChuckSmith-Isaiah-53-55 38:57
Pastor Chuck Smith - Isaiah 56-60 1:22:11
Isaiah 61-62 40:07
Pastor Chuck Smith - Isaiah 63-66 1:04:20
Pastor Chuck Smith - Jeremiah 1-2 1:07:42
Pastor Chuck Smith - Jeremiah 3-5 40:04
24.Jeremiah/PastorChuckSmith-Jeremiah-06-10 1:19:55
Pastor Chuck Smith - Jeremiah 11-15 1:22:42
Pastor Chuck Smith - Jeremiah 16-20 1:07:08
Pastor Chuck Smith - Jeremiah 21-22 21:12
Pastor Chuck Smith - Jeremiah 23-25 57:21
Pastor Chuck Smith - Jeremiah 26-27 49:03
Pastor Chuck Smith - Jeremiah 28-30 48:59
Pastor Chuck Smith - Jeremiah 31-35 1:21:43
Pastor Chuck Smith - Jeremiah 36-40 54:19
Pastor Chuck Smith - Jeremiah 41-45 1:20:50
Pastor Chuck Smith - Jeremiah 46-49 1:03:45
Pastor Chuck Smith - Jeremiah 50-52 1:20:19
25.Lamentations/PastorChuckSmith-Lamentations 25:34
Pastor Chuck Smith - Ezekiel 1-5 1:23:05
Pastor Chuck Smith - Ezekiel 06-10 1:05:22
Pastor Chuck Smith - Ezekiel 11-15 44:01
Pastor Chuck Smith - Ezekiel 16-20 1:23:14
Pastor Chuck Smith - Ezekiel 21-25 1:12:21
Ezekiel 26-30 1:23:26
Pastor Chuck Smith - Ezekiel 31-35 1:24:27
Pastor Chuck Smith - Ezekiel 36-39 1:26:47
Pastor Chuck Smith - Ezekiel 40-48 1:22:03
Pastor Chuck Smith - Daniel 1-4 1:24:36
Pastor Chuck Smith - Daniel 5-8 1:26:17
Pastor Chuck Smith - Daniel 9-10 53:55
Pastor Chuck Smith - Daniel 11-12 50:37
Pastor Chuck Smith - Hosea 1-4 56:13
Pastor Chuck Smith - Hosea 05-9 13:41
Pastor Chuck Smith - Hosea 10-14 1:16:07
Pastor Chuck Smith - Joel 1-2 1:15:51
Pastor Chuck Smith - Joel 3 26:39
Pastor Chuck Smith - Amos 1-5 1:25:08
Pastor Chuck Smith - Amos 6-9 1:10:23
31.ObadiahAndJonah/PastorChuckSmith-ObadiahAndJonah 28:59
Pastor Chuck Smith - Micah 1-7 1:24:20
Pastor Chuck Smith - Nahum 1-3 58:13
Pastor Chuck Smith - Habakkuk 01-3 1:23:41
Pastor Chuck Smith - Zephania & Haggai 13:46
Pastor Chuck Smith - Zechariah 01-5 1:29:51
Pastor Chuck Smith - Zechariah 6-10 1:14:47
Pastor Chuck Smith - Zechariah 13-14 30:25
Pastor Chuck Smith - Malachi 1-4 1:30:14


nice expository

(4 stars)

chuck has a heart for God and it is evident here. this is not for someone who wants a word by word reading of the text but rather making it more understandable to the folks who are not theologians. enjoyable, however if you dont understand what a christian is then its kinda like reading someone elses mail...wont make a lot of sense.


(5 stars)

How can i download this on my cell phone. I need to hear this off line.

Good Foundation

(5 stars)

After 40 years, I still have not tired of Pastor Chuck's teaching. Under his tutelage, I have gone through the entire Bible, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, I don't know how many times. I'm glad God raised him up during these latter days.

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(1 stars)

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Better than you think

(4 stars)

This is a critical explination of the bible. Regularly presented weekly on the radio from study and preparation of the bible and its supporting documents and resources. If one thinks the bible is a mystry, Pastor Chuch Smith clarifies what one may read...if one reads the Bible. This is not comedy, but it does lift ones load ligtens ones work. This is to be enjoyed by thinking people.

Very Scientific

(5 stars)

This is a very profound example of the scientific foundation of the Bible. He does a good job of evading religious bias while while focusing factual information compounded by science. No wonder the religious atheists are fuming with anger; shining light on their imaginary world is probably scary to them. Truth is scary when one lives in a world of lies.

(5 stars)

Chuck smith is the pastor I've been longing for my entire life. Such a blessing his teachings are still here even after his passing. This Bible study, Let's you break down the bible with scientific explanation, and apply it to modern society through Chucks wisdom. what a beautiful human being.

Not what you think

(2 stars)

Contrary to the headline, this is NOT the Bible read by Pastor Smith. Instead, it's a commentary and uncritical explanation of the bible's text. Much of it is very interesting, albeit a bit evangelical at times.