Beacon Lights of History, Vol 2: Jewish Heroes and Prophets

Read by KHand

(3.4 stars; 10 reviews)

Volume Two of the series, this book focuses on the leaders of the Jewish faith from Abraham to Saint Paul. Summary by KHand (8 hr 53 min)


Abraham, Part 1 21:10 Read by KHand
Abraham, Part 2 14:35 Read by KHand
Joseph, Part 1 25:45 Read by KHand
Joseph, Part 2 23:16 Read by KHand
Moses, Part 1 26:49 Read by KHand
Moses, Part 2 23:13 Read by KHand
Samuel, Part 1 20:00 Read by KHand
Samuel, Part 2 20:16 Read by KHand
David, Part 1 23:15 Read by KHand
David, Part 2 18:30 Read by KHand
Solomon, Part 1 24:29 Read by KHand
Solomon, Part 2 22:25 Read by KHand
Elijah, Part 1 20:14 Read by KHand
Elijah, Part 2 19:05 Read by KHand
Elijah, Part 3 18:40 Read by KHand
Isaiah, Part 1 26:24 Read by KHand
Isaiah, Part 2 24:31 Read by KHand
Jeremiah, Part 1 25:49 Read by KHand
Jeremiah, Part 2 21:52 Read by KHand
Judas Maccabaeus, Part 1 28:32 Read by KHand
Judas Maccabaeus, Part 2 26:40 Read by KHand
Saint Paul, Part 1 18:44 Read by KHand
Saint Paul, Part 2 19:51 Read by KHand
Saint Paul, Part 3 19:03 Read by KHand


(1 stars)

Really awful. Not really history at all, but religious, mostly Christian bombast and polemic. You can tell right away just from looking at the table of contents that all this blather is from a Christian rather than a Jewish or even neutral perspective because no Jew worthy of the name would EVER include the apostle Paul in a book of "Jewish heroes," let alone call him "SAINT Paul." If you're interested in actual history, you'll waste your time listening to this book. What is more, the reader is typical of the kind of dreadful nonprofessional reading that unfortunately renders much of Librivox's content essentially unlistenable, and thus a waste of the readers', the listeners' and Librivox's time and effort.