4 Stories by Louisa May Alcott
Louisa May Alcott
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Here are four delightful short stories written by the famous author specifically for girls. As she says in the tiny preface "These stories were written for my own amusement during a period of enforced seclusion. The flowers which were my solace and pleasure suggested titles for the tales and gave an interest to the work. If my girls find a little beauty or sunshine in these common blossoms, their old friend will not have made her Garland in vain.
L.M. ALCOTT." The stories are An Ivy Spray & Ladies Slippers; Pansies; Water-Lilies and Mountain-Laurel & Maiden-Hair. They are all between 40 minutes and 55 minutes finished audio so they are not short but all four are typical stories from the talented pen of Miss Alcott. - Summary by Phil Chenevert and the author (3 hr 28 min)
AN IVY SPRAY AND LADIES' SLIPPERS | 42:43 | Read by Roohi |
PANSIES | 45:06 | Read by Christine Lehman |
WATER-LILIES | 50:45 | Read by Kathleen Moore |
MOUNTAIN-LAUREL AND MAIDEN-HAIR - Part 1 | 29:30 | Read by Diana Schmidt |
MOUNTAIN-LAUREL AND MAIDEN-HAIR - Part 2 | 40:18 | Read by Diana Schmidt |

Hospitable Georgian
Well told short stories from Miss Alcott!