The Sorcerer's Secret
J.A. Areces
Read by J.A. Areces

In the Sorcerer's Secret, Jesse ventures deeper into the wizarding world and discovers that the Wizardry must live a secret. A secret that history altered. A secret that FOLK must never learn. It's up to Jesse and the secret wizard agent Ch-U-Ch to stop the forces that are trying to breach the Salem Concord and cause another Witch War. Meanwhile, Andrew and Brendan are learning that being a wizard in a FOLK world has its consequences. As their secret is revealed, they learn that they're placing their friends lives in danger. It's up to them and Chief Fabiano to stop Lord Alex from obtaining two of the most powerful magical items in the world. Time is running out, and on Halloween, one cry will be heard throughout the land, "The Witches are Coming!"
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Love the tale but too many annoying parts...

5 stars for plot, 1 star for for the frustrating repetition and annoying behaviour of Jesse, Andrew and Brendan. How stupid could they be? Jesse especially is SUPER annoying and caused *SPOILER* Clarence's death and his own capture by the cadre. His own stupidity and cowardice is eyerollingly to blame for everything as well as how he always wants to act like he's sooooo reluctant about being in the "wizarding world." Andrew is stupid and cowardly too... Brendan was the only "good" one but his stupid mistake was not telling Chu'Uch about the relics/ what he learned from the crystal ball. Also annoying is how easily (and against the law) jesse "lost" his store to lord alex through the local government. Seriously one can be locked out of their own shop and have it sold without any recompense from the state and no court case? In this age of suing for the slightest thing Jesse losing his shop was preposterous. Also, how the hell did the items get to Caprinicus's office when Jesse had them under his pillow...

A LibriVox Listener
I have really enjoyed all of JA Areces' books, both his narration and content. A lot of thought has gone into his character development and how they interact. The characters provide great examples of positive relationships, support and acceptance of others. My only disappointment is that I cannot find the books in print to give to my nephew.

J. Knouss
Not bad stories but the author/narrarator needs to learn how to pronounce the words he writes. At least 2-3 word are inaccurate per chapter. That plus the annoying, continuous reciting of "Allavans witches and wizards corner store" over and over and over again makes these books hard to listen to.

Very nice book but..
I would've love to give this book 5 stars or even 4 stars..but it's just way too long and it's the king of repeated phrases. Once you hear Jesse store in the beginning of the chapter or any chapter. . expect to hear the full name of it throughout that was annoying expecially since I already heard book one and two..great books I might add. This one focus around Andrew and Brenden..but it was boring. Why is Jesse an important character again? I like the book but just about 5 chapters too long and it mainly focusing on the boys was annoying and for some reason the characters in this book seems dumb for some reason. Anna seemed to have lost her intelligence and it's just went down straight to Jesse. That was confusing on how it got to be like that.
conflict between the real and the magical

A LibriVox Listener
Areces has put a lot of time and thought into this series - and a lot of great effort with his acting voice. Yes there are some grammar, composition, and pronunciations errors. I’m assuming English isn’t his first language, but he has shown a wonderful use of vocabulary. Don’t let a few grammatical error ruin your enjoyment of the story. Also, a huge thanks for sharing this story and recording it I am audio format!!
A struggle.

A LibriVox Listener
I've enjoyed the first two books but I have to admit that I've struggled to get through this one. Excessive and unnecessary repetition, characters acting dumb & illogical for no good reason, as well what seemed to be contradictory plot points caused me to take a few weeks to finish this one, whereas the first two I got through in a few days each. I'm hoping book 4 is an improvement on this.

Pesach Loeb
please please please get this edited! It's a good story but needs a lot of work. also there are some plot holes that really just make you roll your eyes. Like seriously you want us to believe a local government could just legally take away someone's property without even monetary compensation? and some of the characters just act sooo stupid it's really cringe worthy.
Great effort and work

I fully appreciate the time and dedication. It takes to create one book, let alone four books! this is a great series, especially for teens and young adults. Thank you, Mr. Areces for sharing your talent with your readers. To all of the people with criticisms, I would like to read your four part series of books