Vatican Ambassador

Read by Mike Luoma

(4.6 stars; 322 reviews)

BERNARD CAMPION has killed for the Pope as an agent of the Office of Papal Operations, the OPO. But the old pope is dead, and Pope Linus the Second is no friend of the OPO! The adventures of Bernard Campion, the Vatican Assassin, continue. BC has helped Governor Marc Edwards rebuild Lunar Prime, but can he help build peace between The Universal Islamic Nation (UIN), The Universal Trade Zone (UTZ) and the New catholic Church (NcC)? And just what is the mysterious Project?

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Chapter One Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Two Read by Mike Luoma
Chapters Three and Four Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Five Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Six Read by Mike Luoma
Chapters Seven and Eight Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Nine Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Ten Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Eleven Part One Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Eleven Part Two Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Twelve Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Thirteen Part One Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Thirteen Part Two Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Thirteen Part Three Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Fourteen Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Fifteen Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Sixteen Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Seventeen Part One Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Seventeen Part Two Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Eighteen Part One Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Eighteen Part Two Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Nineteen Read by Mike Luoma
Chapters Twenty and Twenty-One Read by Mike Luoma
Chapter Twenty-Two Read by Mike Luoma
Thank You For Listening Read by Mike Luoma


(0 stars)

"Vatican Assassin" is becoming a Graphic Novel! Artist Cristian Navarro and I are adapting the story, turning it into a comic book! The first issue of the black and white comic book is available now at online comic book store Indy Planet ( The pages will be appearing twice weekly ...

(0 stars)

BC's son Alibi Jones is back – this time in a new comic book! Earthbound Comics has just released the new anthology “Spacebound” – and my story “Alibi Jones: Blind Eye” – with spectacular art by Meisha – opens the book. The story is set BEFORE the events in the ...

(0 stars)

You may have noticed the spiffy new cover on my novel ALIBI JONES - beautiful new artwork by Federico Guillen. With this lovely new cover and a second edition, the first edition copies of ALIBI JONES are now-rare collector's items... and I'm giving my last two away! You can win ...

(0 stars)

Greetings - Mike here - this past summer, as I was gearing up to release my new ALIBI JONES book, I had a period on the Glow-in-the-Dark Radio podcast without any new material, and so embarked on a re-podcast of Vatican Assassin and Vatican Ambassador. Being a bit of a ...

(0 stars)

Chris, every book on Podiobooks is complete. Chapter 22 is the last chapter for this book and has been available for quite some time. What is your method of downloading, so we can pinpoint where the problem comes from? PS After investigating and consulting with staff, I can confirm that ...

(0 stars)

I"m coming in with the whole book done but this book unlike the other 2 will be difficult to listen to my normal way since the chapters are alphabetic not numeric, for some reason. and when I set it up to listen the chapters in order of oldest to newest ...

(0 stars)

I go into detail about my new science fiction novel ALIBI JONES in my new column - just up over at Cosmic Book News: There's also preview art from my upcoming comics - including the graphic novel adaptation of VATICAN ASSASSIN!

(0 stars)

Trouble with feed. After listening to Vatican assassin, I looked forward to the next chapter in the series. Unfortunately there seems to be an issue with the rss feed. Will this be fixed?