In Chancery (Forsyte Saga Vol. 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.2 stars; 43 reviews)

'The Forsyte Saga' is the story of a wealthy London family stretching from the eighteen-eighties until the nineteen-twenties. In Chancery is the second book in the saga. Five years have passed since Irene left Soames and the death of Bosinney. Old Jolyon meets Irene and is enchanted by her. At his death he leaves her a legacy sufficient for her to live an independent life in Paris.

Soames who is desperate for a son, attempts to effect a rapprochement but is rejected by her. Meanwhile Young Jolyon, now a widower,who is Irene’s trustee falls in love with her

Soames suspects Young Jolyon and Irene of adultery and sues for divorce. His action is successful. Young Jolyon and Irene marry. She bears him a son, John. Soames remarries. His wife Annette bears him a daughter, Fleur. (Summary by Andy Minter) (13 hr 34 min)


0:1 Indian Summer of a Forsyte 1 52:24 Read by eva
0:2 Indian Summer of a Forsyte 2 19:37 Read by eva
0:3 Indian Summer of a Forsyte 3 24:36 Read by eva
0:4 Indian Summer of a Forsyte 4 55:06 Read by eva
1:1 At Timothy's 22:02 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)
1:2 Exit A Man Of The World 27:59 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)
1:3 Soames Prepares To Take Steps 13:01 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)
1:4 Soho 15:56 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)
1:5 James Sees Visitors 14:15 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)
1:6 No Longer Young Jolyon At Home 20:45 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
1:7 The Colt And The Filly 14:54 Read by eva
1:8 Jolyon Prosecutes The Trusteeship 15:33 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
1:9 Val Hears The News 18:44 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
1:10 Soames Entertains The Future 13:10 Read by eva
1:11 And Visits The Past 13:08 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)
1:12 On Forsyte 'Change 25:49 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
1:13 Jolyon Finds Out Where He Is 12:06 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
1:14 Soames Discovers What He Wants 7:34 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
2: 1 The Third Generation 20:35 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)
2:2 Soames Puts It To The Touch 20:58 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)
2:3 Visit To Irene 13:25 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
2:4 Where Forsytes Fear To Tread 16:46 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
2:5 Jolly Sits In Judgement 18:41 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
2:6 Jolyon In Two Minds 10:27 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
2:7 Dartie Versus Dartie 23:33 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
2:8 The Challenge 15:30 Read by eva
2:9 Dinner At James’s 18:17 Read by eva
2:10 Death Of The Dog Balthazar 13:00 Read by eva
2:11 Timothy Stays The Rot 14:54 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)
2:12 Progress Of The Chase 13:49 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)
2:13 Here We Are Again 22:34 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)
2:14 Outlandish Night 6:38 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)
3:1 Soames In Paris 15:40 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)
3: 2 In The Web 10:54 Read by eva
3:3 Richmond Park 20:18 Read by eva
3:4 Over The River 4:28 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)
3:5 Soames Acts 9:24 Read by eva
3:6 A Summer Day 16:25 Read by Simon Evers
3:7 A Summer Night 8:33 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
3:8 James In Waiting 8:13 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
3:9 Out Of The Web 21:19 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
3:10 Passing Of An Era 24:00 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
3:11 Suspended Animation 15:43 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)
3:12 Birth Of A Forsyte 18:54 Read by eva
3:13 James Is Told 15:04 Read by eva
3:14 His 9:41 Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)


Wonderful book, let down by some of the readers

(4 stars)

This is the second novel of the Forsyte Saga trilogy. It is a wonderful book about family, wealth, old age, change and passion. I read the book ten years ago and now listening to it in middle age, In Nancery becomes more poignant. The book reminds us to live well. Unfortunately a number of readers did not do justice to the book and I can understand why some people would discontinue listening to it. Reading out loud while putting in the drama or comedy is a difficult thing to do. I cannot do it and that is a reason I do not volunteer. I began to get annoyed with some of the readings and almost stopped listening. However, Andy Minter's brilliant narration of some of the chapters was worth my continuing to listen.

(4 stars)

Readers should read the entire text before embarking, to identify words and names they do not know how to pronounce, especially those in unfamiliar languages. Ask for help to learn correct pronunciations, make notes, THEN read. The butchering of critical passages on French is not just distracting - it ruins the narrative trajectory. Galsworthy chooses to use French in key passages for very good reasons -and they really need to be read correctly. I understand voluntarism and amateur devotion - but even amateurs and volunteers can choose to take a professional approach to their chosen projects.

(1 stars)

I struggled to finish volume 1 because of the difficulty understanding one of the readers. I started volume 2 but after 10 minutes I'm quitting. Words are running together and I don't have a clue as to what some are so I will stop before I invest anymore time. I am sure it is a great story but one I will have to read!

Great book spoiled by poor readers

(1 stars)

I love the Forsyte Saga books and have read them. Sadly several of the readers on this are so poor as to be unlistenable. Flat monotone reading, strong accent (with odd pronounciation which had me either puzzled or laughing) and mangled words truly spoil the pleasure of the books.

Engaging Sequel

(4 stars)

The main characters continue to hold the listener's interest and new characters set a broader context for the story. A couple of the narrators I found challenging due to mispronounced words and unusual and flat delivery.

(4 stars)

Good reading by most. One person had a thick accent so it was hard to understand that they were saying. Made me lose a little interest once I heard them starting to read unfortunately.

(5 stars)

Thank you to all the readers. l listen to this while decorating my house and enjoyed it immensely. Jackie of Kent

(3 stars)

there's nothing wrong with an accent, but when you can't pronounce words properly in English you shouldn't record audio books